发布时间:2018-01-17 00:10
本文关键词:废旧锂离子电池制备钴铁氧体磁致伸缩材料的研究 出处:《河南师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 废旧锂离子电池 钴铁氧体 磁致伸缩材料 资源化
【摘要】:随着社会经济的迅猛发展,尤其是电子信息技术领域的高速发展,锂离子电池逐步占领了市场。由于笔记本电脑、智能手机及其它电子产品更新速度较快,锂离子电池的市场使用量越来越大。同时,废旧锂离子电池的数量也在不断迅速增加,这不仅会带来严重的环境污染,而且也会造成贵金属资源的巨大浪费。近年来,废旧锂离子电池资源化研究成为国内外的热点,其资源化产物主要集中在两个方面,一方面是通过火法冶金的方法从废电池中获得金属、金属氧化物及简单的化合物;另一方面是采用湿法冶金法,从废电池溶解液中获得铁氧体或者三元材料。然而,由于存在工艺复杂、二次污染严重、成本高、产品附加值低等明显的不足之处,废旧电池资源化的工业化生产未能得到充足的发展。本论文研究了以废旧电池为原料,采用不同制备方法获得钴铁氧体磁致伸缩材料,在此基础上通过对制备条件的优化、产物元素比例的调整及掺杂元素掺杂量的探讨,进一步借助TG、TR、XRD、SEM、VSM和磁致伸缩探测仪等手段完成对产品的表征,通过对产品微观结构的分析和调整,达到提高产品性能的目的。通过研究表明:以废旧锂离子电池为原料,采用柠檬酸为凝胶剂,通过溶胶-凝胶法可以制备出具有磁致伸缩性的钴铁氧体。适宜的制备条件为:溶液pH=6.5,柠檬酸与金属离子总量比为1:1,前躯体在800℃煅烧3 h,所得产品颗粒呈椭圆形、平均颗粒尺寸74 nm,最大磁致伸缩系数为-101.2 ppm;以硝酸溶解废旧电池所获得的溶液为原料,通过自蔓延燃烧法成功制备出不同金属离子取代钴铁氧体磁致伸缩材料(Co1-xMxFe2O4)。通过对不同取代元素和不同取代量的研究发现:Zn2+取代Co2+提高了产品的磁性能,在Co1-xZnxFe2O4体系中x=0.2时,饱和磁化强度为94.23 emu/g。在Co1-xNixFe2O4和Co1-xCuxFe2O4体系中,提高了产品的磁致伸缩性能;采用溶胶-凝胶-水热耦合法,在适宜的水热条件下制备出具有刺猬状的球形钴铁氧体磁致伸缩材料。产品的微观结构有利于超交换作用和磁畴壁的偏转,磁致伸缩性能较单纯的溶胶-凝胶法所获得产品,其性能有一定的提高,最大磁致伸缩性能参数为-158.5 ppm。本论文的创新点是:通过取代的方法改变金属离子在钴铁氧体尖晶石结构中的位置,改善产品磁致伸缩性能;通过对产品制备条件的优化和微观结构的调整,增强A-O-B超交换作用和降低磁畴壁偏转阻力,提高产品磁致伸缩性能。本文为废旧锂离子电池资源化研究提出了新的方法和思路,避免了金属资源的浪费,同时为废旧锂离子电池的资源化提供了基础数据和理论研究。在一定程度上为废旧锂离子电池资源化的工业化生产奠定了基础,对环境保护和资源有效利用具有重大意义。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy, especially the rapid development of electronic information technology, lithium ion battery has gradually occupied the market. The market usage of lithium ion batteries is increasing. At the same time, the number of waste lithium ion batteries is increasing rapidly, which will not only bring serious environmental pollution. In recent years, the research on the recycling of waste lithium ion batteries has become a hot spot at home and abroad, and the recycling products are mainly concentrated in two aspects. On the one hand, metals, metal oxides and simple compounds are obtained from waste batteries by pyrometallurgical method. On the other hand, ferrite or ternary materials can be obtained by hydrometallurgical method from the solution of waste battery. However, because of the complex process, the secondary pollution is serious and the cost is high. The low added value of the products and other obvious shortcomings, the industrial production of waste batteries has not been fully developed. This paper studied the waste batteries as raw materials. Cobalt ferrite magnetostrictive materials were obtained by different preparation methods. On this basis, the preparation conditions were optimized, the proportion of product elements was adjusted and the doping amount of doped elements was discussed. The product was characterized by means of XRDX SEMVSM and magnetostrictive detector. The microstructure of the product was analyzed and adjusted. The study shows that the waste lithium ion battery is used as raw material and citric acid is used as gel agent. Cobalt ferrite with magnetic extensibility can be prepared by sol-gel method. The optimum preparation conditions are as follows: solution pH 6.5, the ratio of citric acid to metal ions 1: 1. When the precursor was calcined at 800 鈩,