[Abstract]:Gold nanoparticles have unique surface plasmon resonance absorption, the absorption intensity and position are very sensitive to the surrounding media environment, and have been widely used in sensor detection and other fields. However, using the resonance absorption of gold nanoparticles with the change of the surrounding media environment, there are few reports on the application of gold nanoparticles to display. This paper will explore the possibility of using gold nanoparticles as display materials. Firstly, the method of using gold nanoparticles as stationary chromogenic agent to increase the backing contrast was discussed. On the other hand, the feasibility of using gold nanoparticles as a removable chromogenic agent in electrophoretic display was explored. For fixed color back, we adopt a low cost and large area self-assembly method, which is modified by aminosilane. The self-assembly of gold nanoparticles on the back is realized by the interaction of positive and negative charge or hydrogen bond between the above amino silane and gold nanoparticles. By adjusting the pH, of gold nanoparticles sol, the interaction between gold nanoparticles and the back floor was regulated. By adjusting the deposition time and the ionic strength of gold nanoparticles, the density of gold nanoparticles on the back is controlled. By heat treatment at different temperatures, the purity and contrast of back color were improved. This work has proved that the gold nanoparticles can be easily prepared by high density self-assembly and reheat treatment of gold nanoparticles on the transparent back substrate with visible color in the naked eye. The stability and dispersity of gold nanoparticles are very important for the mobile color reagents of gold nanoparticles. Gold nanoparticles with good stability and high surface charge density were synthesized by using polymer as ligand, and the factors affecting the synthesis of nanoparticles were studied in detail. Gold nanoparticles with small organic molecules as ligands were also synthesized. The stability of nanoparticles coated with different ligands in different solvents with high boiling point was investigated and the chemical properties were found to be stable. N- methylpyrrolidone, which can coordinate with gold nanoparticles, can be used as the dispersion medium of nanoparticles, and the stable dispersion of nanoparticles is achieved. It provides a material basis for gold nanoparticles to move by electrophoretic. The above two parts of the work of gold nanoparticles as electrophoretic display of the previous basic experiment demonstrated the feasibility of gold nanoparticles as a chromogenic agent the construction of display devices need to be further explored.
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