1997年前后,英国工党领袖布莱尔明确提出工党要走一条超越资本主义内部传统左右政治分野的“第三条道路”。随着布莱尔在各种双边和多边国际场合的大力宣传,欧洲其它一些国家的社会民主党纷纷对“第三条道路”表示赞同或关注,一时间“第三条道路”成为影响广泛的国际思潮。理论界对工党“第三条道路”极为关注,国内外学者围绕着“第三条道路”的基本内容、相关政策和产生背景等一系列不足,掀起了研究热潮,并取得了许多重要成果。本文在这些研究成果的基础上,运用综合、比较、归纳的研究策略,系统地阐述了英国工党“第三条道路”的形成过程、治国理念和政策,多方面地考察了“第三条道路”的产生理由,并联系当前学术界和政治界对“第三条道路”认识上有争议的几个不足,对“第三条道路”的实质、实践中的成效与不足以及它在欧洲社会民主党变革中的地位和影响等不足作了评价。 文章主要包括四个部分。 一、“第三条道路”的形成。“第三条道路”虽正式形成于1997年前后,但它作为现代化的工党理论和政策,经历了一个漫长的形成过程。20世纪50年代修正主义思潮的兴起是工党现代化的起步。80年代以后,工党在金诺克和史密斯的领导下,现代化变革发展为持续化运动,“第三条道路”关于所有制、国家、市场等方面的思想逐渐形成。90年代中后期,布莱尔进一步推动了工党现代化进程,取得了突破性进展,并把工党革新后的理论和政策冠之以超越左右的“第三条道路”,加以推广和实践。 二、“第三条道路”的治国理念和政策。1997年工党政府上台后,以“第三条道路”为治国理念,推出了广泛的革新措施:发展在放任与规范之间寻求平衡的新混合经济,革新金融和税收制度,,扶植中小企业,推动知识经济发展;构建积极福利制度,推行“为能工作的人服务,为不能工作的人保险”为宗旨的福利革新;建设新型民主国家,实施以权力下放为主题和目标的宪政革新;推崇全球治理,提出“新国际主义”,重视人权外交,开展了多方位的外交实践。 三、“第三条道路”产生的理由。自20世纪50年代以来,工党就面临着多重危机,一度连续在野18年,为了在政党竞争中取胜,工党不断寻求变革之路,这是“第三条道路”产生的直接理由。同时,撒切尔主义存整个80年代的成功实践,摧毁了工党旧的思想和组织基础,深刻改造了英国社会,推动了工党现代化的进一步发展,而它造成的负面效应又为工党提出超越它的“第三条道路”提供了政策空间。另外,20世纪末,世界形势发生了巨大变化。苏东剧变,冷战结束,全球化和科技革命加速发展,提出了一些左与右的传统政治无法涵盖的不足,这为工党“第三条道路”的产生提供了演绎舞台。 四、对“第三条道路”的认识和评价。“第三条道路”反映了工党理论和政策的右倾化,标志着英国新一轮共识政治的出现,但共识政治并不等于“一致政治”,工党与保守党在性质、传统上的根本差异,决定了“第三条道路”不可能使工党变成完全的新自由主义政党。工党“第三条道路”的政策在实践中成效显著,特别是在推动经济发展方面,但由于一些具体不足的复杂性以及工党在一些不足上的实用主义考虑,又使得“第三条道路”在实践中存在很多不足。在近年来欧洲社会民主党以右倾化为特点的变革中,由于英国工党“第三条道路”最为理论化和系统化、影响更为广泛、实施得较为成功,因此它充当了当前欧洲社会民主党理论和政策变革的典型代表;但英国与欧洲大陆国家在资本主义发展模式以及其它方面的差异,又决定了工党“第三条道路”具有自身的独特性。
【Abstract】 In the year of 1997 or so, Tony Blair, leader of Britain Labour party, brought forward a new politics concept entitled " Third Way " which beyond " left " and " right " division of Capitalism traditional politics. After that, Blair propagandized it in many inter and multi-international occasions, thus many other European social democratic parties showed their interest or applause. Temporarily, it has sweeping impact. Theorists showed much attention to it. Scholars at home and abroad started the research on issues such as its basic content, related policy and forming backdrop, and gained some achievements on it. On the base of previous achievements, this dissertation systematically states the forming process, managing concepts and policy of it, study reasons of its emerging form many perspectives, make evaluation on the terms of its substance, effects, and also its position in European social democratic parties reforming by using the method of integration, comparison, induction.This dissertation consists of four parts as following:Part one explores the forming process of " Third way ". Although " Third way " put forward in 1997, it experiences a long process to act as modern theory and policy of Labour party. During 1950’s, the rise of revisionism is the starting point of modernization of Labour party. During 1980’s and 1990’s, modern reform developed into a continuous process under the leadership of Kinnnock and Smith. Some thoughts have been growing up, such as the possession system, state and market. The late of 1990’s, Blair got a breakthrough of modernization of Labour, party, further more popularized and practised it under the name of " Third way ".Part two states the managing concepts and policy of" Third way ". Since Labour party came into power, it carried through extensive reform based on " Third way ", which contained the follows: developing new-mixed economy balanced between intervention and laissez-faire, reforming financial and tax policy, propping up small and middle-small enterprises, promoting knowledge-oriented economy; composing the welfare policy,practicing welfare reform of major idea that " serve for those being able to work, insure for those not being able to work "; constructing a new type democratic country, implementing constitution of topic for devolution; canonizing the globe governance, putting forward " new internationalism ", emphasizing diplomacy of human right, carrying out all-round diplomacy.Part three analyses reasons of emerging of" Third way ". Since 1950’s, Labour party confronted many crises. It was out of office 18 years continuously after the year of 1997. In order to gain power, Labour party sought for approaches of reform, thus " Third way "came out. At the same time, the winning of Thatherism in the whole period of 1980’s, destroyed the old thoughts and organized foundation, reformed the Britain society profoundly, but it also had negative effects, which provided space for " Third way ". In 1990’s, many changes took place, such as the upheaval in Soviet Union, the end of Cold War, the speed development of globalization and technology revolution. Contemporarily, these changes raised many problems unsolved by the traditional polity, and these problems also offered space for the emerging of" Third way ".Part four makes evaluation on " Third way ". Firstly, " Third way " reflects right deviation of Labour party, symbolizes the consensus politics of new round in the Britain, which is not equal to consistence politics. The essential distinction on terms of property and tradition between Labour party and Conservation party determines that Labour party can’t turn into a new Neo-liberalism party. Secondly, " Third way " has good effects, especially in promoting economy. But due to the complexity of many issues and the pragmatism consideration of Labour party on many questions, there exists many question need to solve. Thirdly, in the reform of right-leaning property in the recent years, because of theorization, deep influence, more successful implement of " T
【关键词】 英国工党; 第三条道路; 右倾化; 变革;【Key words】 Britain Labour party; Third way; right-leaning; reform;
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