本文关键词:智能供配电系统经济运行技术研究 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 变压器 负荷预测 控制策略 自动投切 系统设计
[Abstract]:In many provinces and cities of China, there is still a serious problem of "electricity shortage", and the contradiction between power supply and consumer demand is very serious. But in the process of actual operation of power supply and distribution system. Because the transformer is in light load or no load for a long time, the operation efficiency of the system is reduced and the electric energy loss is increased. This paper discusses the science of finding the right time with the help of load forecasting curve. It is of great significance to switch the corresponding number of transformers in order to maintain the high efficiency and energy saving operation of the power supply and distribution system. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to improve the efficiency of power grid energy utilization and the economic benefits of power supply enterprises. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1) the economic operation mechanism of transformer and the partition method of economic operation interval are discussed firstly. The overall design scheme of economic operation system of power supply and distribution system is given, and the selection of PLC programming software, database software and configuration software is introduced in detail. And the main function. 2) gives the economic operation control scheme of transformer based on load forecasting, and based on the algorithm of similar day selection. This paper discusses the load forecasting model of Elman neural network and takes the power supply and distribution system of a real estate company as an example. It shows that the forecast curve can well reflect the changing trend of actual load.) the economic operation control strategy of transformer is given. Based on the fuzzy decision method, the fuzzy interval optimal selection model is discussed. According to the critical interval method, the switching control strategy of transformer is given. Through the theoretical analysis, the PLC control system is designed. From system hardware. The design process of the control system is introduced in detail from two aspects of the software. The economic operation control strategy of the transformer is based on the automatic switching of the corresponding number of transformers at the right time with the help of the load forecasting curve. The simulation platform of power supply and distribution system is established by using Kingview 6.55. The configuration interface is introduced in detail. The realization process of software platform for economic operation system of power supply and distribution system is analyzed. The economic operation control strategy of transformer is discussed in detail. The research results not only improve the energy utilization ratio of power grid. Moreover, it improves the economic benefit of power supply enterprises and reduces the loss in the operation of transformers on the basis of ensuring the customers' demand for electricity. The problem of light load or no load of transformer is solved for a long time. The conclusion of this paper can be used for reference for the economic operation and management of power supply and distribution system.
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