本文关键词: 凝汽器 抽真空系统 水环真空泵 工作水温 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of economy, the increase of energy utilization, the decrease of primary energy and the aggravation of environmental protection problems. The retrofit of the cold end system has attracted more and more attention. As one of the cold end systems, the performance of the condenser vacuum pumping system is significantly reduced when the external environment temperature is high. The optimization of condenser vacuum pumping system in auxiliary unit of power plant is to solve this problem and save coal consumption. In this paper, the classification, structure and working principle of condenser and air extractor are introduced, and several factors affecting the pressure of water-cooled condenser are analyzed: the inlet temperature of cooling water, the temperature rise. The end difference of condenser and the performance of vacuum pumping system. The lower the inlet water temperature, the smaller the temperature rise and the smaller the end difference when the performance of the condenser is in good condition. But considering the power consumption of circulating water pump, the vacuum of condenser is not as high as possible, it has an optimum vacuum value. The pumping performance of water ring vacuum pump is the best, but the water ring pump has cavitation phenomenon when the pressure inside the pump is lower than its limit pressure because its working fluid is water. The existence of air will hinder the heat transfer of steam in the condenser, increase the end difference of heat transfer, reduce the vacuum of condenser and increase the supercooling degree of condensate. In order to reduce the thermal economy of the unit, it is necessary for the air to be extracted by the air extractor in time to avoid the accumulation of air. The leakage air volume is calculated. The vacuum system of the water loop pump is simulated by EES. The influence characteristics and rules of water ring vacuum pump on the performance of water ring vacuum pump are analyzed. The conclusion is as follows: the suction performance of vacuum pump decreases with the increase of working fluid temperature. However, the effect of working water temperature on the water loop pump will be weakened with the increase of the pumping pressure. When the suction pressure increases gradually in a certain range, the suction flow rate will also increase. The higher the suction temperature, the worse the suction performance of the vacuum pump. By comparison, the working fluid temperature is the most important factor affecting the performance of the water ring pump. Therefore, under the high temperature in summer, the temperature of the working fluid in the pump will increase obviously, the output of the vacuum pump will decrease significantly, and the vacuum degree of the condenser will decrease. Then it will affect the safety and economy of the whole unit. This paper analyzes the condenser pressure corresponding to different working fluid temperature under different load and makes the relevant user interface. Two methods to evaluate the influence of steam turbine back pressure on power are introduced in this paper. In order to improve the performance of vacuum pumping system under summer working conditions, to maintain the normal operation of condenser and to improve the safety and economy of the whole generator set. The vacuum of condenser can be improved by adding air conditioning chilled water in the system. The data collection of a 600,000 unit in Shandong Power Plant has been carried out and the relationship between income and investment has been established. It is found that the vacuum of condenser vacuum pumping system can be increased by about 0.6 KPA, and the total benefit can reach 1.85 million yuan. The cost can be recovered within one year. A new vacuum pumping scheme is proposed in this paper, in which the refrigerated water is directly pumped into the water ring pump as the sealing fluid, which reduces the loss of the pipe path and increases the vacuum by about 0.8 kpa compared with the previous revamping system. The economic benefits generated are considerable.
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