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基于改进Monte Carlo法的发输电系统可靠性评估

发布时间:2018-05-04 05:11

  本文选题:发输电系统 + 可靠性评估 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The reliability evaluation methods of power system mainly include deterministic method and probabilistic method. The probabilistic method is widely used because it can reflect the risk degree of the system more truthfully because it takes into account the stochastic behavior of the system. The probabilistic evaluation methods can be divided into analytical method and Monte Carlo method. For a transmission system with more elements and a variety of random factors, the state space is huge. It is very difficult to enumerate the fault states one by one by using the analytic method, but the Monte Carlo method is not limited by the system size, which makes it more suitable for the reliability evaluation of this kind of systems. But the shortcoming of Monte Carlo method is that the evaluation time is closely related to the evaluation accuracy. In other words, obtaining the high accuracy evaluation results means consuming a lot of evaluation time. At present, most of power system reliability evaluation software adopt the method of reducing sampling variance to accelerate the convergence speed of Monte Carlo method. The main methods of reducing variance are important sampling method and control variable method. Dual variable method and equal dispersion sampling method etc. These methods have their own characteristics and can speed up the convergence of Monte Carlo method to a certain extent, but they have a common shortcoming and poor adaptability to the system. In order to solve this problem, an improved power system reliability evaluation method, equal dispersion and gambling, is proposed by combining equal dispersion sampling method with split and gambling method. According to the contribution degree of power generation system and transmission system to the whole system reliability index, the power system is divided into the key area and the non-key area. For the non-key area, the method of "gambling" is used to selectively sample the power system. For the key areas, the equal-dispersion technique is used to sample the samples, thus reducing the sampling variance and saving the generation of random numbers, thus improving the evaluation efficiency, this method not only has the characteristics that the equal-dispersion sampling method can effectively reduce the sampling variance, At the same time, it has good adaptability to different systems by splitting and gambling, so it can be simulated more efficiently according to the characteristics of the system itself. Based on the method of equal dispersion and gambling, the reliability of IEEE-RTS79 system and its modified MRTS system are analyzed, and the feasibility of the proposed method is verified by comparing the results with those of conventional Monte Carlo method and split and gambling method. High efficiency and good system adaptability. In this paper, the reliability model of a provincial power network with 1173 lines and 523 loads has been established by using the self-developed reliability evaluation software, which consists of 83 generators, 71 transformers and 549 busbars, and the conventional Monte Carlo method is used respectively. The split and gambling method and the equal-dispersion and gambling method proposed in this paper are used to evaluate the reliability of the power network. Through the analysis and comparison of the results, the applicability of the equal-dispersion and gambling method in practical engineering is verified.


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