[Abstract]:The voltage stability margin of the system under the weak electric network is low, and the fault crossing performance of the wind farm has a significant influence on the transient voltage stability of the system. The traditional fault crossing control method of the double fed wind turbine is based on the constant power control for the strong power grid, which is not conducive to the maintenance of the voltage stability under the weak electric network. A new fault crossing control method for doubly fed wind turbine in power grid. This new control method is based on synchronous control, which controls the angle and amplitude of the outlet voltage of the wind turbine through active current and reactive current droop, and makes the doubly fed wind turbine run with the external characteristics of the controlled voltage source. This control method can make the doubly fed wind turbine in weak electricity. Both the reactive power and the active current are provided in the symmetric and asymmetric faults of the network, and the voltage stability of the system can be improved during the heavy excitation transient process after the fault is removed. This method is also suitable for the doubly fed wind turbine unit that needs to be switched seamlessly between the network and the isolated network. Finally, the doubly fed wind turbine is connected to infinity. The effectiveness of the fault ride through control method is verified by a simulation example of an isolated power grid in a large power grid.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学电气工程学院;陕西电力调度控制中心;国网陕西省电力公司电力经济研究院;
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