发布时间:2018-08-10 21:31
【摘要】:我国特高压变电站进线段同塔双回转角耐张塔采用刚性跳线,使得地线对跳线端部的保护角偏大,可能增加转角耐张塔的雷电绕击风险。为降低雷电绕击对变电站设备安全的影响,建立了特高压同塔双回路耐张转角塔雷电绕击先导发展3维模型。通过计算分析地线、跳线和导线最易产生上行先导的位置,获得了不同线路转角和地线横担长度时,刚性跳线的最大绕击电流和绕击闪络率。结果表明:只需控制地线对相邻档距导线的保护角满足≤ 5°,即可保证刚性跳线单回闪络率满足≤0.1次/(100km·a)的要求,而无需对刚性跳线端部的保护角进行控制;SJ322P型杆塔外角侧地线横担长度可由电气几何模型推荐的36 m减小至28 m,内角侧地线横担长度可由27 m减小至25 m。相关分析结论已应用于1 000 kV锡盟—胜利特高压交流输电工程线路防雷设计。
[Abstract]:Rigid jumper is used in the same tower and double rotation angle tensioning tower in UHV substation in our country, which makes the protection angle of the ground wire to the jumper end larger, which may increase the risk of lightning winding of the turret. In order to reduce the influence of lightning wound failure on substation equipment safety, a 3D model for the development of lightning wound failure pilot in UHV tower with double loop tension angle is established. Through the calculation and analysis of the position where the ground wire, jumper wire and wire are most likely to lead up, the maximum current and flashover rate of the rigid jumper wire are obtained when the line rotation angle and the length of the ground wire cross pole are different. The results show that the single flashover ratio of rigid jumper can meet the requirement of 鈮,
[Abstract]:Rigid jumper is used in the same tower and double rotation angle tensioning tower in UHV substation in our country, which makes the protection angle of the ground wire to the jumper end larger, which may increase the risk of lightning winding of the turret. In order to reduce the influence of lightning wound failure on substation equipment safety, a 3D model for the development of lightning wound failure pilot in UHV tower with double loop tension angle is established. Through the calculation and analysis of the position where the ground wire, jumper wire and wire are most likely to lead up, the maximum current and flashover rate of the rigid jumper wire are obtained when the line rotation angle and the length of the ground wire cross pole are different. The results show that the single flashover ratio of rigid jumper can meet the requirement of 鈮,