[Abstract]:With the wind and solar energy being connected to the power grid on a large scale, it has the characteristics of randomness and large force fluctuation, which brings a lot of new challenges to the power system. How to make efficient use of these new energy sources and reduce the impact on the power grid has attracted extensive attention from domestic and foreign scholars. Large-scale cascade hydropower station access system can not only provide sufficient power support for the system, but also make use of the advantages of its hydropower units to start and stop quickly and operate flexibly to meet the requirements of rapid peak shaving system, and lay the foundation for the access of new energy sources. However, cascade hydropower has complex coupling between upper and lower levels, which brings difficulties to modeling and solving. In conclusion, on the premise of considering the characteristics of various kinds of power supply, how to formulate reasonable multi-power scheduling strategy and find a suitable method to solve the complex model is an urgent problem to be solved. In this paper, wind power, photovoltaic, cascade hydropower stations as research object. First of all, the development status of each and the significance of joint dispatch of various kinds of power supply are described. Then, the algorithm of solving the existing scheduling model is studied, and an improved multi-objective cuckoo algorithm is proposed. The fuzzy decision model is used as the multi-objective decision method. Secondly, the multi-objective long-term operation model and the short-term combined operation model of wind, light and cascade hydropower stations are established respectively. Finally, an example is given to verify the accuracy and feasibility of the proposed algorithm and model. The result of example analysis shows that in the multi-objective optimal dispatching model of cascade hydropower stations, the model is solved by using the improved multi-objective cuckoo algorithm, aiming at the maximum annual output and the maximum guaranteed output of cascade hydropower stations. A set of non-inferior dispatching schemes with uniform distribution is obtained, a compromise solution is selected by fuzzy decision model, and the process of generating water for each hydropower station is obtained. Aiming at the minimum residual load peak and valley difference and the minimum residual load fluctuation, the results show that the introduction of cascade hydropower stations can effectively reduce the load peak and valley difference and make the process of remaining load allocated to other power sources as smooth as possible. In order to ensure the safe and economical operation of the power grid and power plant, improve the ability of the grid to accept new energy.
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