[Abstract]:The new functional fiber is developed and applied, and the new space in the research field of dyeing and finishing function is developed, so that the dyeing and finishing technology is no longer limited to the daily administration function. With the continuous development of the consumer Li-ion battery, the technology of dyeing and finishing function finishing technology is applied to the preparation and design of the energy-storage functional fiber, and the market demand is being met. In this paper, based on the development of the new thought of dyeing and finishing technology, the energy storage of Sn-based composite nano-carbon fiber is given by combining the energy storage characteristics of the tin (Sn)-based material and the high electrical conductivity of the nano-carbon fiber (CNFs). The composition, morphology and structure of the Sn-based composite nano-carbon fiber were designed by internal modification and external protection for the volume effect of the Sn-based material, so as to improve the cycle performance. The relationship between the composition, structure and energy storage function of Sn-based composite nano-carbon fiber prepared by different methods was analyzed, and its energy storage mechanism was discussed. In the first chapter, the research background and working principle of the Li-ion battery are introduced in the first chapter, then the types and characteristics of the negative materials are briefly described, and then the research status and the existing problems of the Sn-based negative material are emphatically discussed, and the research significance and the working contents of this paper are put forward. In the second chapter, Sn-based composite porous nano-carbon fiber (Sn-PCNFs) was prepared by using Sn salt as the precursor of simple substance Sn and blending with PAN. The metal Sn is superuniformly dispersed in CNFs in a non-constant form, and the partial overflow is agglomerated into Sn-based large particles and exposed on the surface of the CNFs. The results show that the cycle life and stability of Sn-PCNFs need to be improved because the Sn-PCNFs are cycled 200 times under a large current density of 0.8 A g ~ (-1), and the high specific capacity of 774 mA h g ~ (-1) can be maintained. In the third chapter, the Sn-Cu precursor and the CNFs matrix (Sn-Cu-CNFs) were prepared by a step of carbonization-alloying by using the second exposed Sn-based large particles as the starting point, using the precursor of Sn and Cu and the complex reaction of the PAN to disperse the Sn-Cu precursor. The control temperature is 700oC, so that the inert Cu3Sn and the active Cu6Sn5 can coexist in the Sn-based large particles, and the cycle performance of the Sn-based composite nano carbon fiber is remarkably improved. The results show that Sn-Cu-CNFs can be cycled for 1200 times at a large current density of 1. 0 A g ~ (-1), with a specific capacity of 400 mA h g ~ (-1), and the coulomb efficiency is 99%. Compared with Sn-PCNFs, the cycle life of Sn-Cu-CNFs is greatly improved. In chapter 4, in order to protect the exposed Sn-based large particles of the second chapter, the carbon-coated Sn-based composite nano-carbon fiber (Sn-SnO_2-CNF@C) was prepared by using the low-temperature water heat method as the carbon source, and the carbon-coated carbon layer structure can be obtained by controlling the concentration of the sucrose. The results of the electrochemical test show that the Sn-SnO_2-CNF@C2 is 200 times under the current density of 0.8 A g ~ (-1), the capacity is 71.2 mA h g ~ (-1), and compared with the Sn-PCNFs, the Sn-SnO_2-CNF@C2 has better cycle stability and multiplying power performance. In the fifth chapter, the nano-carbon fiber (UV20-CNFs) and the Sn-based nano-carbon fiber (UV20-Sn-CNFs) were micro-oxidized by excimer UV irradiation, so that the oxygen-containing functional group was generated on the surface of the fiber, which not only is beneficial to the improvement of the reaction kinetics, and the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) film formed in the circulation process is stably anchored on the fiber, and the cycle stability is improved; meanwhile, the porous structure is formed on the surface of the fiber, and the physical lithium storage amount is increased. The results show that the discharge ratio of UV20-Sn-CNFs is 200 times under the current density of 0.5 A g ~ (-1), the discharge specific capacity is 733 mA h g ~ (-1), the coulomb efficiency is 99%, the number of cycles can be up to 1000 times under the large current density of 2.0 A g ~ (-1), and the capacity of the UV20-CNFs is 300 mA h g ~ (-1), and the coulomb efficiency is 98%. The excimer ultraviolet micro-oxidation technology is simple and feasible, and has potential commercial prospect. Finally, in the sixth chapter, the system summarizes the research results of this paper, points out the deficiency in the research work, and puts forward the future development direction and suggestion.
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