[Abstract]:Distribution automation is an important measure in the aspects of power supply quality, reliability improvement, power supply capacity expansion and the realization of economic and efficient distribution network operation goals. It is also an important basis for the realization of smart distribution network. In the aspect of distribution network automation, the distribution network automation communication system is an important component, which is the key to the realization of many functions within and between the layers. It undertakes the following functions, such as the return of commands or the processing of information, and so on. If efficient and reliable communication is not available, the transmission of data, or the connection between distribution network and automation, can not be realized. Therefore, the operation of reliable and secure distribution automation communication system is the basis of realizing the goal of distribution automation. At present, the main communication technologies of distribution network automation system include Ethernet passive optical network communication technology, industrial Ethernet technology, medium voltage power line communication technology, wireless public network technology, wireless private network technology and so on. According to the function realization of distribution network automation system and the requirement of communication, this paper compares several schemes of distribution network automation communication technology, and compares their advantages and disadvantages. The principle and key technologies of Ethernet passive optical network are studied and analyzed. This paper mainly introduces the implementation scheme of distribution network automation communication in Taizhou Power supply Company, analyzes and summarizes the overall structure, optical communication system design, optical cable construction and so on. Optical fiber communication has the advantages of high reliability, strong confidentiality and anti-jamming ability (suitable for strong electromagnetic interference), high bandwidth and so on. Especially, the optical communication technology of Ethernet passive optical network is very suitable for distribution network lines with band or chain distribution. And it has the advantages of low cost, high bandwidth, strong expansibility, flexible and fast service reengineering and so on. For "three remote" stations, the construction scheme of Taizhou distribution communication access network adopts Ethernet passive optical network communication mode. For "one remote" and "two remote" stations and difficult to lay optical cable, the access layer adopts wireless public network access mode.
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