[Abstract]:Under the dual pressure of the current energy situation and the living environment, people begin to seek the solution to the energy and environment problems constantly. The distributed new energy power generation is renewable because of the use of clean and renewable energy as its primary energy. Therefore, the development of distributed power generation technology has been widely concerned and strongly supported by countries all over the world. With more and more distributed power supply (Distributed Generation, DG) connected to the grid, because of the influence of distributed power generation in distribution system, the power flow characteristic of distribution network is changed from traditional unidirectional flow to new two-way flow. So it brings many new challenges to the stable operation of the distribution system: on the one hand, because of the variety of DG forms, and the obvious characteristics of the DG, such as intermittent, uncertainty, non-scheduling, etc. The traditional deterministic power flow calculation method for distribution network is no longer applicable, so the power flow calculation with DG is facing a new challenge. On the other hand, considering the influence of the active power and reactive power of DG on the power network, it is also facing new challenges in the construction of distribution system planning and configuration model with DG, the reactive power adjustment model of distribution network and the design of its solution algorithm. First, this paper describes the working principle and node types of several typical DG, and introduces the influence of DG. Secondly, considering the random fluctuation of DG output force, this paper proposes to use probabilistic power flow analytical method to calculate power flow. For the modeling and solving of planning and configuration problem involving DG distribution network, this paper uses the comprehensive sensitivity analysis method of node voltage and system loss to determine the installation position of DG. Furthermore, a comprehensive planning configuration model of distributed power supply and capacitor is constructed, which considers the multiple indexes of economic performance and technical security performance of power network. An improved genetic algorithm with optimal retention strategy and hybrid chromosome coding is used to solve the model optimization. The results show that the integrated planning and configuration method of distributed power supply and capacitor is based on probabilistic power flow calculation and comprehensive sensitivity analysis. Its comprehensive benefit and voltage quality are obviously higher than the optimization results of separately planning distributed power supply and capacitor. Finally, considering the influence of dynamic reactive power adjustment on voltage, network loss and so on, and the limitation of large-scale power grid capacitor switching centralized control, In this paper, a dynamic partition method based on electrical distance and dynamic alpha decomposition method is proposed. The objective function is the minimum active power loss of the system calculated by probabilistic power flow. The dynamic reactive power adjustment model, which takes the actual switching times of the existing capacitors as the control variable, is also solved by the improved genetic algorithm. The related calculation results show that the reactive power adjustment method proposed in this paper can not only effectively reduce the actual switching times of the capacitor, but also prolong the service life of the equipment and reduce its investment cost. At the same time, it can further reduce the energy loss of the system and improve the voltage level.
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