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发布时间:2019-01-04 20:43
[Abstract]:Distributed power generation using renewable energy has the advantages of low pollution and high efficiency, and has developed rapidly in recent years. However, the randomness, volatility and intermittency of renewable power generation inevitably lead to high cost and difficulty in management of distributed power generation. With the increase of the permeability of renewable energy, such as wind power, photoelectricity and so on, it is of great practical significance to coordinate and optimize the dispatch of distributed power and distribution network. This paper focuses on the coordination and dispatch of distributed power virtual power plant and distribution network. Based on the cooperative game theory, the economic dispatch problem of virtual power plant and distribution company and the coordination and optimization problem of active participation of virtual power plant in distribution network and its conventional units are studied. Aiming at the economic dispatch problem of virtual power plant and distribution company, this paper adopts scene sampling generation and reduction technology to deal with the uncertainty of wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation, and forms a classical scenario with probability information. Based on the theory of cooperative game, the model of separate dispatching of virtual power plant based on scene analysis and joint dispatching model with distribution company is established. The cooperative space between virtual power plant and distribution company with scenic water and the problem of fair distribution of benefits are analyzed. The example is analyzed by the demonstration project of a wind and water distributed power supply and the actual data of the local power grid. The results show that the forecasting accuracy and the distribution load curve of the wind power generation are shown. The reserve price and other factors directly affect the cooperative space and benefit distribution scheme between the virtual power plant and the distribution network. In order to analyze the influence of distributed generation on the distribution network, the virtual power plant and the distribution company negotiate jointly. The optimization of power supply capacity of virtual power plant provides a quantitative basis. Aiming at the problem of active participation in coordination and optimization of distribution network in virtual power plant, In this paper, the author puts forward the unit combination strategy of actively absorbing renewable energy under the premise of safe and economical operation of the distribution network: whether the virtual power plant composed of distributed generation gives up accepting the unified dispatch of the distribution network, In this paper, two kinds of combinatorial models of distribution network with virtual power plant are established, and the cooperative space of virtual power plant / distribution network is analyzed by using cooperative game theory, and different power supply structures of distribution network are analyzed based on the demonstration project data of distributed power generation with some scenery water. Daily load demand, forecasting precision of scenery, wind permeability, characteristics of distribution network unit combination when multiple virtual power plants participate, dispatch cost composition and distribution of cooperative income, It provides a quantitative analysis method for power planning of distribution network and negotiation with virtual power plant.


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