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发布时间:2019-01-06 09:43
[Abstract]:In the context of low carbon economy, nuclear energy will become one of the most potential new energy sources. Nuclear valve, as the connection hub of nuclear power plant systems, is the basic guarantee for the reliable operation of nuclear power plant. In the normal operation of nuclear power plant, due to the lack of reliability of nuclear valve itself, the annual maintenance cost accounts for more than half of the total maintenance amount. Aiming at the difficult problems of nuclear valve reliability inspection and evaluation, such as the limitation of test conditions, the complexity of test process, and the danger of fatigue strength failure, etc. In this paper, the structure strength and fatigue reliability of nuclear two-stage bellows stop valve under typical parameters are analyzed as follows. (1) according to the requirements of high reliability of nuclear valve, The standard system and material of nuclear grade valve are expounded, and the strength calculation and wall thickness check of the valve body of nuclear two-stage bellows are carried out according to the relevant standards. At the same time, the structural strength of the globe valve under the action of tension, extrusion, bending external load and seismic load is analyzed by finite element method to ensure its validity in the process of analysis and design. (2) based on the stress-strength interference theory, The reliability model of the corrugated pipe used in the globe valve is established. By using nonlinear correlation theory, the two-layer bellows used in nuclear two-stage bellows are analyzed under the condition of only withstanding external pressure load, only withstanding tension and compression load, and bearing external pressure and tension compression load. The clearance of bellows is studied respectively. The influence of tension and pressure displacement load on the structural strength and fatigue life of bellows, and the manufacture of double-layer bellows for globe valves, Application and fatigue life increase have certain guiding function. (3) based on the heat fluid-solid coupling mathematical equation and the related theory of boundary conditions, The transient temperature field and transient thermal shock analysis of the nuclear two-stage bellows valve body under the fully open condition are carried out, which provides certain guiding significance for how to improve the fatigue life of the nuclear grade valve and how to effectively reduce the harm of the pressure heat shock.


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