[Abstract]:With the increase of the global electrification level, the electric energy has become the second largest terminal consumer energy after the oil. With regard to the rational exploitation and utilization of electric energy, more and more attention has been paid to Governments and institutions. In terms of energy development, the scale of projects such as nuclear power, wind power and photovoltaic power generation based on clean and renewable energy is increasing year by year. In the aspect of electric energy utilization, countries and international organizations have introduced corresponding standards to force the energy efficiency of electric equipment to be improved. The electric machine, as an important device for converting electric energy and electric energy, as well as electric energy and mechanical energy, consumes nearly half of the world's electricity consumption, which is more than twice the electricity consumption of the second-largest electric equipment in the world. Therefore, the energy efficiency of the lifting motor and the motor system is of great significance to the reasonable utilization of the electric energy resources and the energy-saving and emission reduction. In order to facilitate the popularization of the high energy efficiency motor system, it is necessary to reduce the cost of the motor and its control system as much as possible while improving the energy efficiency of the motor. In this paper, on the basis of the three-phase induction motor with the largest market share, the energy efficiency of the existing motor equipment can be improved by using the permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSMs) in a small cost, and the high efficiency of the re-manufacturing motor can be fully realized by the high-efficiency control algorithm. and has the advantages of high dynamic quality. in that aspect of reduce the system cost, the high-performance non-position sensor vector control is adopted, and a stable variable-power frequency switching strategy is combined, so that the system cost is reduced, and the energy efficiency of the system is further improved. The specific research contents are as follows: First, on the premise of not changing the stator size and the winding arrangement of the low energy efficiency three-phase induction motor, only the squirrel-cage rotor is replaced with the permanent-magnet rotor with the optimized design, and the energy efficiency of the motor is improved. The relationship between the efficiency of the remanufacturing motor and the magnetic load is obtained by comprehensively considering the loss components of the remanufacturing motor, and the permanent magnet size of the remanufacturing motor is estimated. In order to reduce the harmonic and the third harmonic of the three-phase induction motor, the optimal design method of no-load reverse potential is given, and the advantages of the angle-connected PMSM in the range of constant power and energy efficiency are analyzed. In this process, the permanent magnetization and remanufacturing of seven machine base numbers and 10 low energy efficiency three-phase induction motors are completed. The test data show that the energy efficiency grade of the motor after re-manufacturing is greatly improved. and finally, the process flow of the permanent magnetization remanufacturing is given, and the cost recovery period of the remanufacturing motor is accounted for. Secondly, for the inductive parameters of the PMSM, the concept of the air gap specific to the pole slot of the motor and the form of the winding is proposed, and the decoupling of the fit of the pole slot and the geometric parameter of the motor is realized. Based on the above, the relationship between the PMSM inductance parameter and the pole slot is analyzed, and the validity of the conclusion is verified by the finite element analysis (FEA). For the stator iron loss of the PMSM, based on the Berttoti iron loss formula, it is decomposed into the rotor straight and cross-system, and the analytical expression of the stator iron loss of the PMSM is obtained with respect to the straight and cross-axis magnetic chain, thus contributing to the design of the PMSM and the on-line efficiency optimization control. Similarly, FEA is used to verify the accuracy of the analytical results. On this basis, in order to give full play to the advantage of the high efficiency and high dynamic quality of the PMSM, this paper puts forward the maximum efficiency current ratio control strategy based on the loss model and the load efficiency curve of the permanent magnet motor under the control strategy of different efficiency. Thirdly, in order to reduce the cost of re-manufacturing the motor control system and improve the system reliability, this paper studies the control technology of the position-free sensor in the full-speed field of the PMSM. In the low-speed region, several common high-frequency voltage injection method based on stator and rotor shaft system is introduced, and the influence of the non-considered resistance, rotary electric potential pressure drop and the non-linearity of the inverter on the position observation error is analyzed, and an improved algorithm is proposed based on the pulse-vibration square wave injection method. and the robustness of the injection voltage error is improved. In this paper, the mathematical expression of the position observation error and the high sub-harmonic phase of the motor phase is derived and verified by simulation and experiment. In addition, the influence of the SVPWM voltage harmonic on the position observation error is studied by simulation. For the high-speed region, the model method is adopted and the position-free sensor control of the PMSM is realized based on the sliding mode observer. In the speed transition region, a hybrid sensorless control strategy based on the injection method and the model method is used. The experimental results verify the validity of the algorithm. Finally, aiming at the long-term constant-frequency operation, in order to further reduce the system cost and improve the energy efficiency of the system, this paper studies the network switching control strategy of the PMSM. Since the remanufactured PMSM rotor has no damping windings and does not have self-starting capability, the soft start of the frequency converter is required, and the position-free sensor control is adopted to reduce the system cost. A digital phase-locked loop is adopted to detect the phase of the output voltage of the power grid and the frequency converter when the transformer-power frequency is switched, and the system can meet the network condition by adjusting the rotation speed of the motor and the output voltage of the frequency converter. By introducing the auxiliary open-loop control, the smooth transition of the frequency conversion operation of the power frequency to the position-free sensor is realized by introducing the auxiliary open-loop control. This paper is based on five different types of remanufacturing motors to realize the smooth and network switching operation, and compare the system efficiency at the time of the rated speed, the change of the load and the operation of the power frequency.
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