[Abstract]:With the development of economy, there is more and more demand for long-distance large capacity transmission and new energy power generation. Ac transmission has some defects in the process of increasing voltage level and transmission capacity. High voltage direct current transmission technology (Modular Multilevel Converter based High Voltage Direct Current, MMC-HVDC) based on modularized multilevel converter has the advantages of low switching frequency, low loss, easy to realize high voltage and large capacity transmission, flexible control, high reliability, low harmonic content, etc. It has a broad application prospect and has become a research hotspot in recent years. With the increase of the level number, the number of sub-modules of MMC increases sharply. The electromagnetic transient simulation model contains a large number of switching devices, which results in a very slow simulation speed, which is not conducive to power flow calculation and system stability analysis. It hinders the research and application of MMC-HVDC. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the electromechanical transient model of MMC and carry on the fast simulation calculation. In this paper, the general topology, operation principle and mathematical model of MMC and its sub-modules are studied. An outer loop voltage controller and an inner loop current controller based on dq rotating coordinate system are established to realize decoupling control of active and reactive power. The nearest level approach modulation and capacitor voltage sort control are studied, and the modulation and voltage equalization control of MMC are studied. A loop suppression controller based on the double frequency negative sequence dq rotation coordinate transformation is derived to eliminate the secondary circulation between phases. Then, the electromechanical transient model of MMC AC side, DC side, control and modulation link is established, and the simplified electromechanical transient model of MMC-MTDC is considered. The simplified electromechanical transient model of MMC is established in Matlab, and compared with the electromagnetic transient model in PSCAD/EMTDC, the steady output power and the waveform under transient operation are compared to verify the correctness of the proposed MMC electromechanical transient model. Through the comparison of simulation time, it is proved that the electromechanical transient model greatly improves the efficiency of simulation and is suitable for large-scale MMC-MTDC system simulation. Finally, the MMC dynamic phasor model is established and realized by Matlab programming. In addition, the application of MMC dynamic phasor model in internal circulation analysis is also studied. The dynamic phasor model of MMC and the general matrix used to calculate the harmonics of voltage and current on the AC / DC side are established in Matlab, and the harmonics of the AC / DC side variables are calculated. At the same time, the model is compared with the model in PSCAD/EMTDC. Verify the reliability of dynamic phasor model and circulation harmonic analysis strategy.
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