[Abstract]:With the rapid development of electric vehicle industry, the construction of charging infrastructure has become an important prerequisite for the popularization and promotion of electric vehicles. Wireless charging has the advantages of safety and convenience, which is a hot spot in the field of electric vehicle charging technology. The loose coupling transformer is the key part of the wireless charging system as a non-contact transmission link between the outside and inside of the vehicle. In order to improve the transmission efficiency, the compensation technology of loosely coupled transformer is studied in order to improve the transmission efficiency. It is of great significance and wide application prospect to carry out the optimization design of the loosely coupled transformer. In this paper, the magnetic circuit model of transformer is established to improve the transmission efficiency of transformer through compensation scheme, aiming at the problem of low coupling coefficient of the original secondary side of the loose coupling transformer in electric vehicle, and aimed at the loose coupling DC transformer (DC Transformer,. DCT) carries on the system design, the main work is as follows: firstly, this paper studies the transformer working principle, establishes the transformer magnetic circuit model, through the ANSOFT software to the winding mode, the air gap, the horizontal side shift way simulation obtains the magnetic inductance line distribution rule. Combining with the distribution of magnetic force line, the magnetic flux is divided into blocks, and the magnetic circuit model is obtained. The relation between coupling coefficient and magnetoresistance is deduced. The relationship between coupling coefficient and air gap and horizontal lateral shift is obtained by measuring the parameters of loosely coupled transformer by "three-parameter measurement method". Secondly, the primary and secondary side compensation technology of loosely coupled transformer is studied. The primary high frequency inverter circuit and loose coupling transformer are regarded as a whole, and the loose coupling DCT, is composed of loose coupling transformer. The energy transmission efficiency is obtained by quantitatively analyzing the compensation of DCT. The relationship between switching angle frequency and compensation parameters. On the basis of this, an optimized compensation scheme is proposed. The compensation DCT can be equivalent to LLC-DCT, so as to realize soft switching, reduce voltage stress and further improve the efficiency of transformer. Finally, the DCT system is designed from four aspects: compensation parameters, winding turn ratio, transformer parameters and open-loop control module hardware. The simulation model and experimental principle prototype of DCT are built to verify the results. The simulation and experimental results show that compared with the uncompensated DCT, the original auxiliary side series compensation DCT can effectively improve the transmission efficiency, reduce the voltage stress of the power devices, and improve the transmission efficiency of the optimized DCT by 2.248%.
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