[Abstract]:China's vast territory, the distribution of energy resources and load development is extremely unbalanced. In recent years, the construction capacity of wind farms has been greatly increased, and large-scale wind power construction and grid-connected operation provide solutions for solving energy crisis and consumption problems. However, wind power generation is mainly carried out in the form of series compensation and wind-fire bundling. In the first mode, there may be the threat of subsynchronous oscillation, and in the second mode, the damping characteristics of the original synchronous generator system may also cause the oscillation phenomenon. In recent years, the problem of sub-synchronous oscillation has been classified by relevant workers, and a kind of interaction phenomenon between wind farm and series compensation transmission system in the range of sub-synchronous frequency has been put forward, which is called wind power field sub-synchronous oscillation (Sub-synchronous Oscillation,). The SSO), includes the secondary synchronous resonance (Sub-synchronous resonance,SSR), the secondary synchronous torque interaction (Sub-synchronous control,SSTI) caused by the interaction between the wind turbine controller and the shafting at the sub-synchronous frequency. There are three aspects of subsynchronous control interaction (Sub-synchronous control interaction,SSCI) between wind turbine controller and fixed series compensation system. In this paper, according to the phenomenon of sub-synchronous oscillation caused by fixed series compensation output power in large-scale wind farm, firstly, the doubly-fed wind turbine is taken as the research object, and the DFIG system model suitable for SSO analysis is established, including turbine torque shaft system. The mathematical models of doubly-fed induction generator, series compensation transmission line and converter control system are established. Then the model is modeled by small signal analysis, and the coefficient matrix of linearized system equation is obtained. The eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the matrix are calculated and the frequencies under different oscillation modes are obtained. The participation factors of the corresponding state variables under each oscillation mode are analyzed by the eigenvalue analysis method. Then the time-domain simulation model is established through MATLAB/Simulink simulation platform to verify the effectiveness of the above-mentioned system and analyze the relationship between the system parameters and the internal parameters of the converter controller on the damping ratio of the SSO. Furthermore, the damping characteristics of SSO are analyzed. The results show that the increase of series compensation, the increase of wind turbine capacity, the decrease of wind speed, and the increase of inner ring parameters of rotor side converter (Rotor side converter,RSC) controller will significantly enhance the SSO. It is also proved that the influence of RSC outer ring parameters on SSO characteristics is not significant. Finally, the transfer functions of active power-speed and reactive power-speed are established, and then the phase angle regions which can provide positive damping are solved. Then the objective function is established, and the transfer function parameters of PID phase compensation are solved by genetic algorithm. The optimal control strategy of active power-speed loop and reactive-power-speed loop is established. The time domain simulation shows that the proposed strategy can provide positive damping to the system in the full band range, and the additional damping control strategy of reactive power-speed loop is better than that of the control strategy.
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