发布时间:2019-04-27 17:41
[Abstract]:Power load forecasting is the basis of urban distribution network planning, which is related to the rationality of planning work and the effectiveness of planning results. The total load forecasting aimed at the whole planning area is the forecast of the future electric load demand, and the spatial forecasting involves the spatial distribution of the electric load, which affects the feasibility of the planning results. Therefore, the methods and categories of total power load forecasting and power load spatial forecasting are analyzed, and then it is explained and discussed in combination with practical cases.
【作者单位】: 广东电网有限责任公司佛山顺德供电局;
[Abstract]:Power load forecasting is the basis of urban distribution network planning, which is related to the rationality of planning work and the effectiveness of planning results. The total load forecasting aimed at the whole planning area is the forecast of the future electric load demand, and the spatial forecasting involves the spatial distribution of the electric load, which affects the feasibility of the planning results. Therefore, the methods and categories of total power load forecasting and power load spatial forecasting are analyzed, and then it is explained and discussed in combination with practical cases.
【作者单位】: 广东电网有限责任公司佛山顺德供电局;
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