[Abstract]:With the popularization and use of nonlinear load and power electronic equipment, the degree of harmonic pollution in power grid is increasing, and accurate harmonic analysis and harmonic energy measurement are particularly important in the research work of reducing harmonic influence. The accurate detection and analysis of harmonic parameters is the prerequisite for the study of harmonic problems, and the accuracy of harmonic parameter analysis provides a scientific basis for the high accuracy measurement of harmonic energy. The most common method of harmonic parameter analysis is FFT (Fast Fourier Transform, fast Fourier transform (FFT), but it is seriously affected by spectrum leakage and fence effect, which makes the accuracy of harmonic parameter analysis relatively low. Due to the uncertainty of harmonic signal, such as the occurrence of interharmonic and so on, it will also have a great influence on the accurate harmonic analysis results. Therefore, this paper proposes a harmonic analysis method based on ZFFT (Zoom-FFT, complex Modulation thinning method) windowed multi-spectral line interpolation, and combines the Budeanu power decomposition principle to complete the harmonic energy metering. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is more accurate and superior than the traditional FFT harmonic analysis method. The main research contents include the following aspects: (1) the background and significance of harmonic analysis and application based on windowed multi-spectral line interpolation method are analyzed, and its development status is introduced. The Fourier transform theory is studied, the causes and phenomena of its existing problems are analyzed, and the corresponding solutions are put forward. Through these explanations and analysis, it lays a foundation for the following theoretical research. (2) the typical window function and its frequency domain characteristics are analyzed, and the selection criteria of window function are studied. Combining the window function with the method of changing the window function coefficient in time domain, a new ladder self-convolution window function is proposed, and its frequency domain characteristics are analyzed. The harmonic analysis method based on two-step self-convolution window four-spectral line interpolation is studied and constructed, and the correction formula of harmonic parameters is derived and established. The principle of traditional complex modulation refinement method is analyzed, and a complex modulation refinement analysis method based on complex analytical band-pass filter is proposed and established. (3) the basic theory of electric energy metering is studied. The influence of harmonics on electric energy metering and the causes of electric energy metering error are analyzed. According to the principle of Budeanu power decomposition, the harmonic parameters analyzed by ZFFT and 2-step self-convolution window four-spectral line interpolation method are used to measure harmonic energy. (4) by using direct FFT method and ladder window four-spectral line interpolation method, The four-spectral line interpolation method of 2-step self-convolution window is added, and the four-spectrum interpolation method of 2-step self-convolution window is compared and analyzed based on ZFFT and 2-step self-convolution window four-spectrum interpolation method to verify the accuracy and feasibility of the proposed method.
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