[Abstract]:In order to evaluate the operation state of wind turbine in time and accurately, a new method of wind turbine operation state evaluation is proposed according to the characteristics of set pair analysis and evidence theory. According to the physical quantity of wind farm data acquisition and monitoring system, the index system of unit operation state evaluation is constructed, and a two-layer evaluation model is established. In the first layer of the model, the set pair is used to analyze the deterioration of the uncertainty of the index, and the basic probability assignment of the second layer of the model is generated. In the second layer of the model, the evidence theory is used for multi-evidence fusion, and the membership degree of the running state of the unit is obtained. at the same time, the operating state grade of the wind turbine is evaluated based on the principle of maximum membership degree and the reliability criterion. The proposed evaluation method is used to evaluate the state of 1.5 MW grid-connected wind turbine in a wind farm, and the evaluation results are compared with those obtained by the traditional fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The results show that the results of the proposed evaluation method are more accurate and better in the state trend analysis.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室;国网成都供电公司;
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