[Abstract]:The grid-connected photovoltaic power station under the low-voltage ride-through control strategy can affect the operation area of the traditional directional element of the distribution network, and the method for calculating the action area of the directional element of the distribution network system suitable for the photovoltaic power station and the network is proposed. On the premise of the output characteristic of the fault time volt power station, the phase angle relationship between the positive sequence voltage and the positive sequence current of the protection at different positions of the line and the different fault types is analyzed, and the action area of the direction element based on the phase angle difference of the positive sequence fault current and the positive sequence fault voltage is proposed. Based on PSCAD, a typical power distribution network model with photovoltaic power station is set up, and the fault type and fault location are simulated and verified. The results show that the proposed method can effectively judge the fault direction and is not affected by the fault type and the fault location.
【作者单位】: 华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院;
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