Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Multilevel inverters Diode clamped inverter Capacitor clamped inverter Cascaded H-bridge inverter
1.2 Modulation techniques
1.3 Introductory to storage system
1.4 Basic concept to virtual inertia technique
1.5 Impact of distributed generations on grid frequency
1.6 Literature review
1.7 Problem statement and research objectives
1.7.1 Key problem
1.7.2 Research objectives
1.8 Thesis outline
Chapter 2 Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Based on use Pulse WidthModulation Techniques
2.1 Introduction
2.2 CHB modeling description
2.3 Modeling of multicarrier based PWM techniques
2.3.1 Level shifted carrier PWM
2.3.2 Phase shifted carrier PWM
2.4 Simulation results
2.4.1 Scenario A: CHB inverter with LSCPWM
2.4.2 Scenario B: CHB inverter with PSCPWM
2.5 Conclusions
Chapter 3 CHB Multilevel Inverter Based on VSG
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Droop characteristic of VSG
3.3 Alternative forms of the swing equation
3.4 Power decoupling control
3.5 Design of control parameters
3.6 Over all model VSG
3.7 Simulation results
3.7.1 Scenario A: System connected with local load
3.7.2 Scenario B: Increase active power load
3.7.3 Scenario C: Increase reactive power load
3.7.4 Scenario D: Different rotating inertia and damping factor
3.8 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Power Conditioning System Control for CHB Battery Energy StorageSystem
4.1 Introduction
4.2 BESS structure
4.3 PCS control strategy
4.3.1 Instantaneous power control
4.3.2 State-of-charge balancing control Cluster balancing control Individual balancing control
4.4 Power and energy distribution
4.5 Simulation results
4.5.1 Scenario A: Power balancing
4.5.2 Scenario B: Energy balancing
4.5.3 Scenario C: Quadrant operation of PCS
4.6 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Power sharing for inverters based on VSG
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Synchronous generator mathematical model
5.2.1 Electrical part
5.2.2 Mechanical part
5.3 Virtual synchronous generator concept based synchronvertermodel
5.4 Droop control
5.5 Active power regulation
5.6 Reactive power regulation
5.7 Parallel operation of inverters
5.8 Simulation analysis
5.8.1 Case one
5.8.2 Case two
5.9 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Future work
List of Publications
About the Author
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