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发布时间:2017-12-27 19:42

  本文关键词:风力发电机组备品备件编码的设计与实现 出处:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 风力发电机组 备品备件 编码方案 编码管理软件

[Abstract]:In the face of domestic energy supply and demand contradictions prominent and rising power demand, wind power generation in reducing environmental pollution and the importance of the adjustment of energy structure is becoming more and more serious, at the same time as the total installed capacity and increasing the mass of fan are out of warranty, spare parts management will also be increasing the workload. However, at present, the spare parts coding of wind turbines in wind power industry is made up of a set of systems. There are lots of "one object, multi code" situation in the spare parts management system of wind power enterprises, which is very likely to cause confusion in spare parts management. This dissertation is based on North China Electric Power University and Longyuan Power Group cooperation project "wind turbine spare parts encoding technology program research", aims to study the suitable scheme of wind turbine spare parts encoding technology. The main research work is as follows: 1. Analysis of the research and application of spare parts coding for wind turbines, and find out the breakthrough point of the research. 2. The technical basis of the classification of spare parts is studied, and the principles and coding methods to be followed in the process of coding scheme design are established. 3, wind turbine spare parts based on the information collection work: spare parts based on wind field information collection of typical double fed wind power generator, the G52 and G58 models of spare parts based information more than 800 SL1500 models, more than 400 basic information of spare parts; the concrete design of wind turbine spare parts encoding scheme: for domestic and international standards for the design of wind turbine spare parts based on the encoding scheme, with strong flexibility and wide applicability, can realize the precise description of the encoding object, thereby eliminating a "multi code" phenomenon, the encoding scheme has been in the spare parts management system Longyuan Power Group in the initial application. 4, for convenience of practical work in the process of encoding encoding, error rate reduction caused by human factors, based on design functional requirements of spare parts and management software encoding encoding on VB language and ACCESS database technology to design encoding management software based on the encoding for editing and encoding query function.


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