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发布时间:2018-01-02 17:17

  本文关键词:一款工作在DCM模式下反激数字变换器XD1599的设计 出处:《西安电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 反激式 开关电源 恒流恒压 AC/DC

【摘要】:随着电子产业的迅速发展,电子设备在人们的生活和工作中也越来越被人们所需要,这些电子设备需要电源为其正常工作提供电力。一开始,电源只是用于简单的电子设备供电,但随着电子设备越来越精密,电子设备功能趋于复杂化和多样化,导致电源技术的要求越来越高,更多的功能发展,各种电源技术应运而生,其中开关电源技术是其中应用最广的一种。本文以西安电子科技大学超高速电路设计与电磁兼容教育部重点实验室的科研项目“用于中小功率恒流恒压输出的反激式AC/DC控制器设计”为依托,根据开关电源的基本拓扑与控制原理,以高效率、高稳定性、实用性为目标,结合芯片的具体应用需求,设计了一款具有恒流恒压输出功能的高效反激式AC/DC控制器XD1599。本文首先介绍了开关电源的相关概念,对数字开关电源与传统的模拟数字电源进行了简单比较,分析了俩者之间的优缺点,以及简单介绍了数字电源控制技术的实现方案。然后对开关电源的拓扑结构进行介绍,着重分析了反激式变换器的工作原理,然后设计了芯片内部的各个重要模块,最后对整体系统进行了仿真验证。XD1599是一款高性能的交流转直流电源控制器,采用数字控制技术,建立了峰值电流模式PWM反激电源。该芯片与外部有源器件(耗尽型场效应电晶体管)能实现快速启动且超低空载功耗。该芯片直接驱动功率晶体管工作在准谐振模式实现高效率,内置保护功能模块,同时最大限度地减少了外部元件数量,简化设计和降低EMI处理成本。XD1599采用辅助线圈检测从而消除了次级反馈电路的需要且实现出色的线路和负载调节。它采用数字补偿技术消除了为了保持环路稳定性所需要的所有组件,脉冲实时分析使得环路响应比传统的解决方案更加便捷迅速,表现出更优秀的瞬态响应特性和负载响应特性。芯片内置的功率限制功能使得通用离线变换器的设计能够进一步优化同时也允许更宽的输入电压范围。芯片XD1599仿真采用的软件工具是Cadence,仿真器是AMS,所用的工艺是0.5μm CMOS模型,系统整体的仿真结果表明:电路的设计能够达到指标要求。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of electronic industry, electronic equipment and in people's life and work more people need, these electronic devices need power to provide electricity for its normal work. In the beginning, the power supply used to power electronic equipment is simple, but with more and more sophisticated electronic equipment, electronic equipment function tends to be complicated and diversified that leads to the increasingly high demand of power technology development, function more, appeared many kinds of power technology, the technology of switching power supply is one of the most widely used. This paper takes Xi'an Electronic and Science University high speed circuit design and EMC laboratory of the Ministry of education scientific research project "for small and medium power constant current constant voltage output flyback AC/DC controller design" as the basis, according to the basic topology and control principle, switching power supply with high efficiency, high stability and practicability as the goal, combined with The specific application requirements of the chip, and designed a constant current and constant voltage output function, flyback AC/DC controller XD1599., this paper introduces the relevant concepts of the switching power supply, power supply of digital analog and digital switching power supply with the traditional simple comparison, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of both of them, and introduce the implementation scheme digital power control technology. Then the topology of switching power supply are introduced, emphatically analyzed the working principle of flyback converter, and then design all important modules inside the chip, the whole system is verified by simulation of.XD1599 is a high performance AC to DC power supply controller based on digital control technology the establishment of the PWM, peak current mode flyback power supply. The chip and external active devices (depletion type field effect transistor power) can realize the fast start-up and low load power The chip direct drive power transistor in quasi resonant mode to achieve high efficiency, the built-in protection function module, while minimizing the number of external components, simplify the design and reduce the processing cost of.XD1599 EMI using auxiliary coil detection to eliminate the secondary circuit and the feedback need to achieve excellent line and load regulation. It uses digital compensation eliminate all components in order to maintain loop stability need, pulse real-time analysis makes the loop response than the traditional solution more convenient rapidly, showing more excellent transient response and load response characteristics. The power limit function chip makes the design of Universal Off-Line converters can be further optimized and also allows the input voltage range wider. Adopts the XD1599 simulation tool is Cadence, the simulator is AMS, the process is 0.5 The simulation results of the system as a whole show that the design of the circuit can meet the requirements of the m CMOS model.



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