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发布时间:2018-01-05 19:09

  本文关键词:基于充电设备综合效率的充电服务优化研究 出处:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 电动汽车 充电站 充电设备综合效率 优化调度

【摘要】:近年来,节能环保、治理大气雾霾成为社会热点问题备受公众关注,以电动汽车为主的新能源汽车成为交通领域实现节能减排的有效途径之一。在各国政府和大型企业的共同推动下,电动汽车与充电站产业迅速的发展起来。 在电动汽车快速发展的同时,充电站运营企业缺少充电设备使用情况的评价标准,无法对已运营充电站以及整体充电服务网络作出有效的规划管理。电动汽车用户根据自身需求无序随意的充电行为,必然对充电站的经济性运行带来负面影响。因此,有必要建立充电设备评价标准,并通过电动汽车作为可移动性强且可控的负荷,研究一种有效的优化调度方案来提高充电服务网络的总体效率。 本文首先对国内外电动汽车和充电站的发展现状和产业政策做了深度的剖析,结合国内外的发展经验,分析了影响我国充电站基础设施发展的瓶颈因素,提出了充电服务网络建设有利于充电站和电动汽车的进一步发展。 其次,结合深圳市现已投入运营充电站的调研数据分析结果,提出了一种基于时间利用率、功率转化率和功率使用率的充电设备综合效率计算方法。将这种运算方法应用到实际运行的充电设备中,对充电站内部设备的使用情况做出评价。从时间和能耗的角度,分析了充电设备使用不均衡的现象,找到了影响充电设备综合效率偏低的因素,并提出了相应的完善方案。 最后,根据充电设备综合效率中时间利用率不均衡分布的现象,以满足电动汽车用户充电需求和充电站总体网络效益最大化为目标,研究了充电网络的优化调度方法。采用粒子群算法对优化方法进行了仿真,通过仿真结果与实际数据进行对比,实现了充电服务网络内充电设备总体的均匀使用,避免了因充电用户盲目随意地选择充电站而造成的部分充电站拥挤而另一部分充电站闲置的现象发生,验证了充电服务优化调度方法的有效性。
[Abstract]:In recent years, energy conservation and environmental protection, the management of atmospheric haze has become a hot issue of public concern. New energy vehicles, which are mainly electric vehicles, have become one of the effective ways to realize energy saving and emission reduction in the field of transportation. With the joint promotion of governments and large enterprises, the electric vehicles and charging stations industry has developed rapidly. With the rapid development of electric vehicles, charging station operators lack the evaluation criteria for the use of charging equipment. The charging station and the whole charging service network can not be effectively planned and managed. The charging behavior of electric vehicle users is disordered and random according to their own needs. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a charging equipment evaluation standard and use electric vehicles as a mobile and controllable load. An effective scheduling scheme is proposed to improve the overall efficiency of charging service network. In this paper, the development of electric vehicles and charging stations at home and abroad and industrial policies are analyzed in depth, combined with domestic and foreign development experience, analysis of the bottleneck factors affecting the development of charging station infrastructure in China. It is pointed out that the construction of charging service network is beneficial to the further development of charging stations and electric vehicles. Secondly, based on the results of investigation and analysis of Shenzhen charging station, a new method based on time utilization is proposed. The method of calculating the comprehensive efficiency of charging equipment for power conversion and power utilization rate. The calculation method is applied to the charging equipment in actual operation. From the point of view of time and energy consumption, the unbalanced use of charging equipment is analyzed, and the factors that affect the overall efficiency of charging equipment are found. And put forward the corresponding consummation plan. Finally, according to the uneven distribution of time utilization ratio in the comprehensive efficiency of charging equipment, the goal is to meet the charging needs of electric vehicle users and maximize the overall network benefits of charging stations. The optimal scheduling method of charging network is studied. Particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to simulate the optimization method. The simulation results are compared with the actual data. It realizes the uniform use of charging equipment in the charging service network, and avoids the phenomenon that charging stations are crowded and another part of charging stations are idle because charging users blindly and arbitrarily choose charging stations. The effectiveness of the optimal scheduling method for charging service is verified.


中国期刊全文数据库 前10条

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