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发布时间:2018-01-06 22:32

  本文关键词:振荡浮子式波浪能发电装置水动力性能研究 出处:《山东大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 波浪能转换装置 水动力分析 特征函数法 渐进匹配系数法 能量俘获宽度

【摘要】:随着经济的发展,全球化石燃料日益枯竭,能源供给日益紧张,推动了海洋波浪能转换技术的发展。振荡浮子技术以其结构简单、抗风浪能力强、能量转化效率相对较高和频率响应范围宽等优点,极具开发前景。在国外,一些振荡浮子式波浪能装置已接近商业化,而国内发展相对滞后,仍在起步阶段。由于国内外海况条件差异巨大,结合我国近海波浪周期短,能量密度相对较低的特点,对振荡浮子式波浪能转换装置进行系统的自主研发是必由之路,而水动力性能研究是其中的基础性工作。本论文通过理论分析、数值计算和模型试验等研究手段,研究了振荡浮子式波浪能转换装置的水动力性能及其波浪能俘获特性。 本文首先综述了波浪能发电装置的国内外研究现状和发展趋势,重点总结了振荡浮子式波浪发电装置国内外研究进展,分析和评述了现有水动力分析模型存在的主要问题,并在此基础上提出了本文的研究内容。 根据振荡浮子式波浪发电装置的特点,分别应用一阶绕射理论和Froude-Krylov理论对浮子和浮筒进行波浪载荷分析;采用特征函数法和渐进匹配系数法求解一阶绕射速度势,得到了浮体垂荡和纵荡的波浪激励力、纵摇的波浪激励力矩的半解析表达式,并进行了编程求解;基于一阶辐射理论推导了等直径垂直圆柱浮体的垂荡、纵荡的附加质量系数和附加阻尼系数及纵摇的附加惯性矩系数和附加阻尼力矩系数的半解析表达式,并进行了编程求解。研究表明:在高频段,可应用于波浪能发电装置的水动力性能分析;同频率下充分考虑波浪绕射作用后浮子受到的垂向波浪力比不考虑波浪绕射时的计算结果偏低,更符合实际情况;同频率下浮筒受到的垂向波浪力仅有浮子受力的5%,浮筒的垂荡幅值是浮子垂荡幅值的1/9~1/7,揭示了振荡浮子式波浪能装置的发电机理。 以水动力分析为基础,建立了浮子与浮筒的频域耦合运动方程,获得了振荡浮子式波浪能转换装置系统的频率响应函数,推导了波浪能转换系统在规则波下的俘获功率和能量俘获宽度表达式;通过频域模型研究了浮子质量、浮筒质量、浮子吃水深度、外部阻尼系数等因素对能量俘获宽度的影响。研究表明:浮子与浮筒的质量比为0.14时,装置的能量输出最大;相同结构尺寸的浮子,吃水浅的浮子俘获功率和能量俘获宽度更大;液压系统阻尼对能量输出系统的影响最大,同一装置在低频段,系统阻尼越大俘获能量越多,在高频段系统阻尼对俘获功率的影响相对较小。 基于上述理论与分析,利用相似准则,按照10:1的缩尺比设计了物理模型,并在航模拖曳水池开展了模型试验研究,揭示了发电系统的阻尼、波浪的波高、周期、浮子与浮筒质量比例关系、浮体的直径等因素对装置水动力性能影响规律;模型试验结果与理论分析结果一致,进一步验证了理论分析的正确性。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy , the global fossil fuel is increasingly depleted , the energy supply is increasingly tense , and the development of ocean wave energy conversion technology is promoted . The oscillating float technology has the advantages of simple structure , strong wind wave resistance , relatively high energy conversion efficiency and wide frequency response range . In this paper , the current research situation and development trend of wave energy generator are summarized , and the research progress of the oscillating float type wave generator is summarized . The main problems existing in the existing hydrodynamic analysis model are analyzed and reviewed , and the research contents of this paper are put forward . According to the characteristics of the oscillating float type wave generator , the wave load analysis of the float and buoy is carried out by means of the first order diffraction theory and the Froude - Krylov theory respectively . Based on the hydrodynamic analysis , the frequency domain coupling motion equation of the float and buoy is established , the frequency response function of the oscillating float wave energy conversion device system is obtained , and the influence of the wave energy conversion system on the energy capture width is derived . The results show that the energy output of the device is the largest when the mass ratio of the float to the buoy is 0.14 ; the influence of the damping on the energy output system is the largest by the hydraulic system damping ; the more the energy is captured by the same device in the low frequency segment , the more the system damping is , the more the energy is captured , and the influence of the damping on the trapping power in the high frequency band system is relatively small . Based on the above theory and analysis , the physical model is designed according to the scale ratio of 10 : 1 , and the model test research is carried out on the model towing tank , which reveals the damping of the power generation system , the wave height , the period , the relation between the float and the mass ratio of the buoy and the diameter of the floating body . The model test results are consistent with the theoretical analysis results , and the correctness of the theoretical analysis is further verified .



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