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发布时间:2018-01-07 10:05

  本文关键词:基于改进PNGV模型的动力锂电池SOC估计和充电优化 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 动力锂电池 改进PNGV模型 SOC估计 粒子滤波 快速充电 多目标优化

【摘要】:以磷酸铁锂电池为代表的动力电池近年成为电动汽车领域的研究热点,但动力锂电池的开发和应用还不够完善,存在诸多问题,是电动汽车发展的一大技术瓶颈,如何提高动力锂电池使用的安全性、高效性和便捷性成为解决问题的关键。 本文利用等效电路模型对动力锂电池进行深入的分析和研究,使用PNGV模型模拟动力锂电池特性,并根据电池特性和实验结果,对PNGV模型提出了改进,改进后的PNGV模型更能体现动力锂电池特性。本文利用改进PNGV模型,针对动力锂电池能量控制管理中的两个重点进行改善:一方面根据模型改进电池荷电状态(SOC)估计算法,提高估算精度;另一方面从模型角度分析充电方案,进行充电多目标优化,提高充电深度并缩短充电时间。 准确估计电池SOC是电池管理系统(BMS)运行的基础,目前SOC估计算法精度低或者计算复杂,对初始值要求较高,难以保证动力电池管理系统的精确控制和管理。针对此问题,本文利用更为精确的等效电路模型——改进PNGV模型,分别结合拓展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)算法和粒子滤波(PF)算法进行SOC估计,使得估算精度得到了提高,最后文中对两种算法进行详细比较和分析,列出了各自优缺点。 动力锂电池快速充电是电动汽车的研究重点,快速且深度的充电使电动汽车的使用更加便捷。目前动力锂电池快速充电的研究仍处于起步阶段,现已提出的快速充电方案种类繁多,但具体原理和应用细则没有得到详细的研究。针对此问题,,本文根据改进PNGV模型对充电过程建立数学仿真模型,结合带精英策略的快速非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II),对快速充电方案进行多目标优化,得到具体的充电优化方案库。方案库提供了不同需求下的充电最优方案,如充电时间一定时选取充电深度最深的充电方案,或者电动汽车行程一定,根据所需电量选择充电时间最短的充电方案。最后,本文分别在电池测试系统平台和搭建的充电系统上对优化方案进行验证,实验结果证实了优化充电仿真的可行性。
[Abstract]:The power battery, represented by lithium iron phosphate battery, has become the research hotspot in the field of electric vehicle in recent years, but the development and application of the power lithium battery is not perfect, there are many problems. How to improve the safety, efficiency and convenience of power lithium-ion battery is the key to solve the problem. In this paper, the equivalent circuit model is used to deeply analyze and study the power lithium battery, and the PNGV model is used to simulate the characteristics of the power lithium battery, and according to the characteristics of the battery and experimental results. The improved PNGV model is proposed, and the improved PNGV model can better reflect the characteristics of the dynamic lithium battery. The improved PNGV model is used in this paper. Two key points in power lithium battery energy control management are improved: on the one hand, according to the model, the state of charge (SOC) estimation algorithm is improved to improve the estimation accuracy; On the other hand, the charging scheme is analyzed from the point of view of model, and multi-objective optimization is carried out to improve the charging depth and shorten the charging time. Accurate estimation of battery SOC is the basis of battery management system. At present, the accuracy of SOC estimation algorithm is low or the calculation is complicated, and the initial value is required to be high. It is difficult to ensure the accurate control and management of the power battery management system. To solve this problem, this paper uses a more accurate equivalent circuit model-improved PNGV model. Combined with extended Kalman filter (EKF) algorithm and particle filter (PF) algorithm, the estimation accuracy is improved. Finally, the two algorithms are compared and analyzed in detail. The advantages and disadvantages are listed. Rapid charging of power lithium battery is the research focus of electric vehicle. The rapid and deep charging makes the use of electric vehicle more convenient. At present, the research of rapid charging of power lithium battery is still in its infancy. There are many kinds of fast charging schemes, but the specific principles and application rules have not been studied in detail. In order to solve this problem, the mathematical simulation model of charging process is established according to the improved PNGV model. Combining with NSGA-IIN, a fast non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with elite strategy, multi-objective optimization of fast charging scheme is carried out. Get the specific charging optimization program library. The program library provides the optimal charging scheme under different requirements, such as the charging time when the deepest charging depth of the charging scheme, or the electric vehicle stroke is fixed. According to the quantity of electricity required to select the shortest charging time charging scheme. Finally, this paper respectively in the battery test system platform and build a charging system to verify the optimized scheme. The experimental results confirm the feasibility of optimizing the charging simulation.


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