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发布时间:2018-01-07 10:29

  本文关键词:一种互联电力系统联络线功率振荡特性分析方法及应用 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 电力系统低频振荡 功率波动 阻尼比 广域测量 节点灵敏度

[Abstract]:With the expansion of power network scale, the problem of low frequency oscillation in power system is becoming more and more prominent. Wide area measurement system is widely used in power network monitoring and monitoring. The monitoring of low frequency oscillation and the method of locating the disturbance source have also achieved a new breakthrough. The change of the daily effective disturbance times of the power network obtained from the historical data of the wide area measurement system can reflect the change of the stability level of the system. Turn. One important index of system stability change is the change of system damping ratio, so it is very important to study and give the mathematical relation between the number of disturbances and damping ratio in theory for analyzing and evaluating the stability of power system. For a large system, the amplitude and waveform of oscillation caused by disturbance at different nodes on the tie line are different. That is, the sensitivity of different nodes to tie-line power oscillation is different. How to use this sensitivity information to accelerate the location of disturbance sources and to do a good job in power network planning load and monitoring node layout. In this paper, the formula of small disturbance is given, and the time-domain expression of tie-line oscillation is derived. The relationship between amplitude fluctuation and damping ratio is studied. Based on this theoretical analysis method, two kinds of application methods are proposed, that is, the damping ratio evaluation method based on the effective disturbance number and the disturbance source prediction method based on node sensitivity. The effectiveness of these methods is verified on a 10-machine 39-bus system and a regional power grid in Hubei Province, respectively. The theoretical analysis method can accurately analyze the network equation and the dynamic equation of the system after the disturbance is applied. The distribution process. In order to replace the time domain simulation of the actual system. The oscillation law of tie-line in power system is analyzed quickly. The damping level of the system can be evaluated by observing the change of effective disturbance times recorded by WAMS in the near future. Effective early warning of low-frequency oscillation accidents in power system; Through the analysis and ranking of the sensitivity of different nodes in the power system, when power oscillation occurs, priority is given to the node with high node sensitivity to determine whether the node is a disturbance source, so that the location of the disturbance source can be pre-determined. In order to monitor and prevent the key vulnerable nodes, the load layout is arranged reasonably in the planning and operation of power network.


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