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发布时间:2018-01-07 19:19

  本文关键词:直流伺服电机不确定性系统鲁棒控制器研究 出处:《工程设计学报》2015年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 直流伺服电机 不确定性系统 鲁棒控制器 鲁棒性能

[Abstract]:Aiming at the uncertainty caused by the variation of motor parameters, external disturbances and modeling errors, 渭 control theory is used. This paper attempts to design a speed control system of DC servo motor with strong robustness. Firstly, the robust performance of the system is transformed into a robust stability problem by introducing virtual uncertain blocks. Then, according to the interference suppression theory, the design of DC servo motor speed control system is transformed into a 渭 control problem within the general framework, and the performance of the control system meets the design requirements by solving the appropriate weighting function. Finally, the 17th order 渭 controller is obtained by using the D-K iterative 渭 synthesis algorithm. The robust performance analysis and simulation results show that the designed 4 order 渭 controller has excellent performance and is robust to the perturbation of motor parameters.
【作者单位】: 安徽新闻出版职业技术学院印刷包装系;
【正文快照】: 直流伺服电机作为一种受输入电信号控制而能快速响应的电动机,具有结构紧凑、运行稳定、易于控制和响应速度较快等优异性能,已广泛应用于工业控制的各个领域[1].随着对直流伺服电机性能指标要求的提高,所设计的控制系统对电机的参数摄动、外界扰动及建模误差等应具有较好的鲁


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