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发布时间:2018-01-07 20:07

  本文关键词:考虑分布式电源并网和需求侧响应的配电网综合规划方法研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 分布式电源 需求侧响应 混合智能算法 配电网规划

【摘要】:当前,配电系统的扩建投资大、建设周期长以及日益凸显的峰谷差值,仅仅依靠配电网扩容难以满足快速增长的负荷需求。分布式发电技术具有高效、灵活、环保的优点,引起了全球范围内的广泛关注。同时,需求侧管理能够缓解电网短期容量短缺,推迟电网改造投资的目的,因此,在集中式发电和大电网运行的基础上,大力发展分布式发电和需求侧管理技术,建立含有分布式发电和需求侧响应的新型配电网将成为未来智能电网发展的必然趋势。但是,随着分布式能源和需求侧管理等电网新技术的应用和逐步深入,传统的配电网规划方法面临着前所未有的挑战。 本文结合实际工程提出了考虑分布式电源和需求侧响应的配电网综合规划的方法。首先,考虑分布式电源对配电网规划的影响,在分布式电源个数、位置和单个电源容量均不确定的情况下,通过折算到每年的分布式电源的投资及运行费用、网损费用、引入分布式电源后购电费用、环境效益几个方面确定目标函数;其次,在进行分布式电源规划后,通过可中断负荷电价进行需求侧响应,把用户侧资源也引入配电网规划模型中实行联合规划;最后运用Matlab软件编写了支持向量机和粒子群算法的混合智能算法程序,并通过该改进的算法对目标函数进行计算寻优,,得到了经济性和可靠性最优的联合规划方案。 通过对清新区某实际馈线进行简化处理,得到42节点配电系统。针对三种情景下的规划方案进行经济性和可靠性指标计算,结果对比分析得到含DG及需求侧响应的综合规划方案能改善负荷特性,优化电网运行,推迟配电网线路扩容建设和带来一定的环境效益,为清新区接入分布式电源和实施需求侧管理提供指导建议。
[Abstract]:At present, distribution system expansion investment, long construction cycle and increasingly prominent peak and valley difference, only relying on distribution network expansion is difficult to meet the rapid growth of load demand. Distributed generation technology is efficient and flexible. The advantages of environmental protection have attracted worldwide attention. At the same time, demand-side management can alleviate the shortage of short-term capacity of power grid and delay the purpose of investment in power grid transformation. On the basis of centralized generation and large power grid operation, distributed generation and demand-side management technology are developed vigorously. The establishment of a new distribution network with distributed generation and demand-side response will become an inevitable trend in the future smart grid development. However, with the application and gradual deepening of new grid technologies such as distributed energy and demand-side management. The traditional distribution network planning method is facing unprecedented challenges. In this paper, a method of integrated distribution network planning considering distributed generation and demand-side response is proposed. Firstly, considering the influence of distributed generation on distribution network planning, the number of distributed generation is considered. In the case of uncertain position and capacity of a single power supply, by converting to the annual investment and operation costs of distributed power generation, network loss costs, the introduction of distributed power generation after the cost of power purchase. The objective function is determined in several aspects of environmental benefit; Secondly, after the distributed power generation planning, demand side response is carried out through interruptible load price, and the user-side resources are also introduced into the distribution network planning model to implement joint planning. Finally, the hybrid intelligent algorithm program of support vector machine and particle swarm optimization algorithm is written by using Matlab software, and the improved algorithm is used to calculate and optimize the objective function. The optimal joint programming scheme of economy and reliability is obtained. By simplifying a real feeder in Qingxin District, a 42-node distribution system is obtained. The economic and reliability indexes are calculated for the planning scheme under three scenarios. Results the comprehensive planning scheme with DG and demand-side response can improve the load characteristics, optimize the power grid operation, delay the construction of distribution network line expansion and bring certain environmental benefits. To provide guidance suggestions for access to distributed power generation and implementation of demand side management in Qingxin District.


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