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发布时间:2018-01-08 05:32

  本文关键词:有机—硅纳米结构光伏电池的光电性质及界面研究 出处:《苏州大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 硅纳米线 柔性硅 太阳能冶金级硅 瞬态光电压衰减 肖特基异质结 有机无机杂化 太阳能电池 缺陷态 电荷复合 PEDOT:PSS

【摘要】:在本论文中,本课题通过使用不同表面形貌的硅纳米结构和共轭导电聚合物聚3,4二氧乙烯噻吩:聚苯乙烯磺酸(PEDOT:PSS),利用溶液加工的方法制备杂化肖特基异质结太阳能电池,对其性能进行了表征并研究电荷传输机制。通过对硅纳米结构的表面结构优化,最大程度降低了硅纳米线的表面积,同时还保证了足够的光吸收能力与较低的表面复合速率,并减少了表面的缺陷态密度,而这些都有利于制备高效率的太阳能电池。经过这些处理之后,本课题制备了基于硅-PEDOT:PSS有机无机杂化异质结太阳能电池,最高效率实现了13.6%。本课题利用带有积分球的反射光谱仪、透射电子显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、少子寿命测试仪、电感耦合等离子体质谱仪、瞬态光电压(光电流)衰减测试和器件性能模拟等方法对硅杂化太阳能电池的器件性能、传输机制以及不同硅材料的表面形貌、柔性硅基底和不同材料对电池表面的修饰进行了系统的表征和研究。主要工作包括: 1.研究了硅-PEDOT:PSS杂化光伏器件的界面性质,并通过硅表面的界面缺陷态密度来表征其电荷分离与传输能力。界面缺陷态密度受到器件中硅材料的表面形貌所影响,经过甲基化处理过的硅纳米线杂化异质结器件要比未被甲基化处理过的硅纳米线杂化异质结器件以及平面甲基化硅杂化异质结器件的效率要高,这是由于经过甲基化处理的硅纳米线杂化异质结器件的缺陷态密度低至~1012cm-2eV-1,这比传统的金属-硅肖特基结的太阳能电池的缺陷态密度(1013-1014cm-2eV-1)低1到2个数量级,证明了低缺陷态密度是器件性能提高的原因之一。 2.发展了一种制备高效硅-PEDOT:PSS杂化光伏器件,可以有效降低器件的串联电阻和增加并联电阻,研究了串联电阻与并联电阻的调控对器件性能的影响。通过选择合适的硅材料基底尺寸以及运用物理切割方法,可以对串联电阻和并联电阻做出调整,这样使得器件可以更有效地输出功率,器件的性能能够得到极大的提高。这种方法能够有效显著提升有机硅杂化肖特基异质结太阳能电池的性能。 3.利用太阳能冶金级硅基底制备了一种可以使用低温溶液方法制备杂化肖特基异质结器件。金属辅助化学刻蚀法工艺能部分地提升硅片表面处的质量来抑制界面处的肖克莱-里德-霍尔复合(Shockley-Read-Hall,SRH复合),与此同时纳米结构的硅片基底能够有效地弥补较薄的硅基底吸光不足的缺点,并且提高光吸收能力,改善器件的性能,同时能减轻对高纯硅材料的依赖。本课题制备了太阳能冶金级硅/PEDOT:PSS杂化肖特基异质结器件,并获得了目前基于冶金级硅材料的最高12.0%的效率。 4.将超薄(~14m)柔性硅纳米结构经过简便的表面形貌修饰后本课题制备了效率高达9.1%的有机硅杂化异质结太阳能电池。为了补偿超薄硅片基底引起的对光吸收不足的缺点,本课题通过金属辅助化学刻蚀法在超薄柔性硅基底上制备了硅纳米线结构,与平面硅相比,其光吸收能力提高了约1.6倍。本课题制备了基于超薄高效柔性硅纳米结构的有机无机杂化异质结太阳能电池。 5.通过加入空穴阻挡层ZnMgO纳米晶薄膜,利用低温溶液法制备了效率高达13.6%的硅/PEDOT:PSS有机无机杂化异质结太阳能电池。本课题通过加入空穴阻挡层ZnMgO纳米晶薄膜,在硅片基底的背部旋涂形成有效的空穴阻挡层,不仅阻止了空穴向阴极扩散,,同时还改善了背部金属电极与硅衬底直接接触造成的载流子复合问题,抑制界面处的电荷复合损失,提高了电荷的传输能力和器件效率。
[Abstract]:In this paper, through the silicon nanostructures and conjugated conducting polymers using different surface morphology of poly 3,4 two oxygen ethylene thiophene: polystyrene sulfonic acid (PEDOT:PSS), preparation of hybrid Schottky heterojunction solar cells using solution processing, the properties were characterized and studied the charge transport mechanism. By optimizing the structure of the surface silicon nanostructures, minimizing the silicon nanowire surface area, but also to ensure the ability to absorb enough light and low surface recombination rate, and reduce the surface defect density, which are conducive to the preparation of high efficiency solar cell. After the processes, the project preparation the silicon -PEDOT:PSS organic-inorganic hybrid heterojunction solar cell based on the highest efficiency to achieve the 13.6%. based reflection spectrometer with integral sphere, transmission electron microscopy, scanning Electron microscopy, photoconductance decay, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, transient photovoltage (photocurrent) attenuation test and device performance simulation device performance of silicon hybrid solar cells, the transmission mechanism and the different surface morphology of silicon material, silicon modified flexible substrate and different materials on the surface of the cell were characterized and the main work includes the study system:
1. study on the interfacial properties of -PEDOT:PSS silicon hybrid photovoltaic devices, and to characterize the charge separation and transmission capacity through the interface defect density of the silicon surface. The interface defect density by the surface morphology of silicon device materials affected by the efficiency after methylation treated silicon nanowire hybrid heterojunction devices than unmethylated the treated silicon nanowire hybrid heterojunction devices and planar methylation silicon hybrid heterojunction devices to be high, this is because the defect density after methylation treatment of silicon nanowire hybrid heterojunction devices as low as ~ 1012cm-2eV-1, the ratio of the defect density of states of the traditional solar cell metal - Silicon Schottky junction (the 1013-1014cm-2eV-1) low 1 to 2 orders of magnitude, proves that the low defect density is one of the reasons for the improved device performance.
2. the development of a preparation of high silicon -PEDOT:PSS hybrid photovoltaic devices, the device can effectively reduce the series resistance and increase the effect of regulation of shunt resistance, series resistance and shunt resistance on the device performance. By selecting the appropriate size of the silicon substrate and the use of physical cutting method, can make the adjustment to the series resistance and shunt this makes the device resistance, output power can be more effectively, the performance of the device can be improved greatly. This method can significantly improve the Silicone Hybrid Schottky heterojunction solar cell performance.
3. solar silicon metallurgical grade was prepared by a preparation of hybrid Schottky heterojunction devices using low temperature solution method. The metal assisted chemical etching process can partially improve the quality of the wafer surface to the inhibition at the interface of the Shockley - Reed - Holzer (Shockley-Read-Hall, SRH) composite, silicon substrate nano structure can at the same time effectively compensate for silicon thin light absorbing defects, and improve the light absorption ability, improve device performance, and can reduce the dependence on high purity silicon material. The preparation of metallurgical grade silicon solar hybrid Schottky /PEDOT:PSS heterojunction devices, and obtained the highest efficiency of the current 12% metallurgical grade silicon material. Based on.
4. (~14m) thin flexible silicon nano structure surface morphology after simple modification of this subject was prepared for high efficiency up to 9.1% Silicone Hybrid heterojunction solar cell. In order to compensate the ultra-thin silicon substrate induced on the optical absorption of the shortcoming of this topic by metal assisted chemical etching method in thin flexible substrate preparation the silicon nanowire structure, compared with the planar silicon, its light absorption capacity is increased by about 1.6 times. The preparation of ultra-thin high efficiency flexible silicon nano structure organic inorganic heterojunction solar cell based on.
5. by adding a hole blocking layer of ZnMgO nanocrystalline thin films, high efficiency up to 13.6% were prepared by low temperature solution method of silicon /PEDOT:PSS organic-inorganic hybrid heterojunction solar cell. This topic by adding a hole blocking layer of ZnMgO nanocrystalline films, effective hole blocking layer is formed on the silicon substrate back spin coating, not only prevents the hole to the cathode diffusion, but also improve the metal back electrode and the silicon substrate in direct contact with the carrier compound caused the problem, suppress the charge recombination at the interface of the loss, improving the transmission capacity of the charge and the efficiency of the device.



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