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发布时间:2018-01-08 07:23

  本文关键词:中国金风科技海外并购案例分析 出处:《辽宁工程技术大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 金风科技 海外收购 知识产权

【摘要】:2008年4月,中国风机制造的领军企业—新疆金风科技股份有限公司收购了德国的风机研发企业VENSYS ENERGY AG。目的是获得对方的知识产权及整合德方先进的研发能力,提升公司的整体价值。这是中国风电企业海外收购的第一单。由于近年我国政策对风电行业的大力支持,许多企业纷纷介入风机制造领域,而我国电网配套设施跟不上,导致风机制造产业产能过剩。国家发改委2009年末已经给风机制造贴上了“过剩”的标签。今后中国将严格控制风电行业的产能增长,并大力支持风电领域的并购重组,希望能够产生3-5家跻身全球十强的国内风电设备企业。在这个背景下,越来越多的国内风电企业将通过海外并购从“本土化”走向“国际化”。金风科技的这单成功收购将会为中国风电企业海外并购起到指引的作用。论文结合案例分析和经济学相关理论,从三方面对金风科技海外收购案例进行了分析,通过对战略成果和财务绩效两个方面收购成果的分析以及对此案例的总结,对我国企业海外并购给出如下启示:企业需要有强大的竞争力、必须熟悉东道国的相关政策和法律情况、要准确把握市场动向和收购时机、具有较强的战略意识和沟通技巧、较强的跨国文化意识和跨国整合能力以及重视海外并购后的劳工权益保障等。
[Abstract]:In April 2008, Chinese wind turbine manufacturing leader - Xinjiang gold wind fan Polytron Technologies Inc acquired German VENSYS ENERGY AG. R & D enterprises to obtain each other's intellectual property rights and the integration of Germany advanced research and development capabilities, to enhance the overall value of the company. This is the first single overseas acquisitions Chinese wind power enterprises. In recent years due to China's policy the wind power industry support, many enterprises have been involved in wind turbine manufacturing field, and power facilities in our country can not keep up, resulting in wind turbine manufacturing industry overcapacity. The national development and Reform Commission at the end of 2009 has been affixed to the wind turbine manufacturing "excess" label. In the future, China will strictly control the wind power industry capacity growth, and vigorously support the wind power field of mergers and acquisitions, hope to be able to produce 3-5 among the world's top ten domestic wind power equipment enterprises. Under this background, more and more domestic wind Electric enterprise will be through overseas acquisitions from localization to internationalization. The success of Goldwind acquired will guide for overseas mergers and acquisitions China wind power enterprises. Combining with case analysis and economics theory, from three aspects to analyze the Goldwind overseas acquisition cases, through the analysis of the two a strategic achievement and the financial performance of acquisition results and summary of this case, the following are given to Chinese enterprises in overseas mergers and acquisitions inspiration: companies need to have strong competitiveness, must be familiar with the host country's related policies and legal situation, to accurately grasp the market trends and acquisition opportunities, strong strategic consciousness and strong communication skills. Cross cultural awareness and integration ability and attention of overseas mergers and acquisitions after the protection of labour rights.



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