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发布时间:2018-01-08 16:25

  本文关键词:聚乙烯绝缘电线包皮生产线变频调速系统设计 出处:《西安科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 聚乙烯绝缘电缆生产线 三相异步电动机 变频调速 自整定PID

[Abstract]:With the national reform, deepen the reform of science and technology is also accompanied by the spring breeze of reform in China's science and technology industry development in our country. The polyethylene insulated cable wrapping production line, how to reasonable regulation of the production process, so as to improve the production efficiency and product quality has become an urgent problem with the industry the motor speed control system. This paper insulated wire wrapping production line for the Yulin University using polyethylene, as the controller design of three-phase asynchronous motor self tuning control system. Analysis on the working principle of three alternating current motor, the torque speed characteristics and load torque characteristics of asynchronous motor, the torque speed characteristics of constant flux, comparison the stator voltage is constant torque speed characteristic, and the main factors affecting the quality of the winding is analyzed, determine the use of To control the coiling machine. In the hardware structure of the control system design and increase the system main circuit overvoltage, undervoltage, overload, overheating, photoelectric encoder feedback disconnection, abnormal braking protection. By combining software and hardware to detect the fault signal, once the protection signal is controlled by the software logic signal blocking driving. Immediately designed a self-tuning algorithm of the main motor winding machine for real-time control. Through experimental verification, and compared with the control effect of the conventional controller, determining the parameters self-tuning the control performance of the system itself has been greatly improved, and the safe operation. Reliable, accurate action. The winding machine system (programmable controller small), through the design of software programmable speed of the motor speed control, so that it can in accordance with slow speed, Fast running state; when the production line produced by the wire peeling, protective sleeve or incomplete coverage of the situation, then the production line for motor speed regulation; when the filament annealing and similar production processes, the running speed of the motor due to the slow wire skin is too thick, or hold the bag the plastic extrusion damage and other problems, will accelerate to adjust the motor speed; it can meet the demand of practical production process, so as to achieve the purpose of this design.



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