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发布时间:2018-01-09 19:40

  本文关键词:风光互补城市供电项目后评价研究 出处:《华北电力大学(北京)》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 新能源 风光互补项目 项目后评价 能源分析

[Abstract]:As traditional energy reserves continue to decline, the world is beginning to face the situation of energy depletion. Wind complementary power generation projects have better reliability than individual wind and solar power generation. Therefore, it has been favored by the government and investors. At present, the number of wind complementary power generation projects at home and abroad is increasing gradually. The research focus of experts and scholars is mainly on the technology of wind power generation. And post-evaluation work can provide a good experience and lessons for similar follow-up projects, so this paper relies on Erlianhaote complementary urban power supply project. This paper constructs the post-evaluation system of the power supply project in the city with complementary scenery. Firstly, this paper combs the domestic and foreign post-evaluation literature, aiming at the domestic mainstream post-evaluation index system. The evaluation work of the operation stage of the problem of "1: 1" is relatively weak; (2) there are more duplicates in economic benefit evaluation and impact assessment; (3) the content of environmental impact assessment is thin; 4 the concept of sustainability evaluation index is not clear. In view of the above problems, this paper adopts the following improvement opinion: 1: 1 to divide the index of post-evaluation into three parts, namely, the evaluation of construction stage. The evaluation of operation stage and impact evaluation. Especially, the evaluation content of operation phase is strengthened, and the corresponding sub-index is designed. (2) separating the financial evaluation from the national economic evaluation. The financial evaluation is classified as the operational stage evaluation, and the national economic evaluation is classified as the economic impact assessment in the environmental evaluation; (3) adding energy analysis index to environmental impact assessment; (4) remove the sustainability index. Secondly, summarize the characteristics of the city power supply projects, such as more engineering subjects, open engineering environment, integration of resources and project combination. These characteristics lead to the complexity of the project. On this basis, combined with the basic principles of index selection, this paper constructed a new evaluation index system, including a total of 35 final indicators. And analyzed the connotation of each index, the content of evaluation. At the same time, this paper determined the index weight calculation method and evaluation method, that is, analytic hierarchy process and matter-extension method. Finally. Based on the power supply project of Erlianhaote complementary city, this paper makes an empirical study on the post-evaluation system, and makes use of the actual data and expert experience. The evaluation results of the project are obtained by calculation, which effectively verifies the rationality of the post-evaluation system model constructed in this paper. For the first time, the post-evaluation of the power supply project in the city with complementary scenery is studied in this paper. The index system is constructed, the method of weight determination and the evaluation method are determined. The research results of this paper will provide a reference value for the post-evaluation work of the follow-up wind-wind complementary power generation project.


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