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发布时间:2018-01-09 20:08

  本文关键词:县级电网调度自动化系统的设计和实现 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 县级电网 电力调度 SCADA WEB AJAX

【摘要】:电力产业是我国的国民经济支柱产业,它的发展与否关乎着国民基础产业的发展,关乎着民生。电力产业一直以来都是全世界各个国家优先发展的重点,只有电力行业发展了,其它的行业才会得到基础发展的保障,同时,电力产业也与国民的生活息息相关。县级电网经济的快速发展将给县级电网的调度运行管理和生产经营带来巨大的压力,同时也将极大的推动县级电网的建设和发展。电力调度自动化系统对整个电网的运行和建设是非常重要的,是整个电网调度的中枢神经。为了配合城乡电网自动化系统的建设,满足电力用户的需求,县级电网需要对电力调度自动化系统进行新的开发,现有的系统已经不能满足县级电网的需求。课题在深入对县级电网的电力调度自动化系统需求进行分析的基础上来设计了主站的功能模块,本人在系统中重点参与了SCADA子系统的设计与实现,详细的内容包括对数据采集处理模块的设计、人机界面模块的设计、SCADA/GIS/DAS一体化的实现和WEB子系统的设计与实现。在WEB子系统中所有WEB页面采用AJAX技术提供的异步刷新机制,每次数据请求只传输需要刷新的数据而不是整个页面,大大减轻了WEB服务器负担、降低网络数据流量,并可实现WEB页面无闪烁刷新,这也是新系统中的一个特色点。课题在设计的过程中选用了ASP.NET作为系统的开发平台和语言,系统的数据库选择SQL SERVER 2005,本课题所设计的电力调度自动化系统未来将为整个县级电网的电网发挥更加重要的作用。
[Abstract]:Electric power industry is the pillar industry of our national economy, its development is related to the development of national basic industry, related to the livelihood of the people. The electric power industry has always been the priority of every country in the world. Only with the development of the power industry, other industries will be protected by basic development, and at the same time. The rapid development of county power grid economy will bring great pressure to the dispatch management and production management of county power grid. At the same time, it will greatly promote the construction and development of county power grid. Power dispatching automation system is very important to the operation and construction of the whole power grid. It is the central nervous system of the whole power grid dispatching. In order to cooperate with the construction of the urban and rural power grid automation system and meet the needs of the power users, the county power grid needs to carry on the new development to the electric power dispatching automation system. The existing system can not meet the needs of the county power grid. Based on the in-depth analysis of the power dispatching automation system requirements of the county power grid, the functional module of the main station is designed. In the system, I participated in the design and implementation of the SCADA subsystem, including the design of the data acquisition and processing module, the design of the man-machine interface module. The implementation of SCADA/GIS/DAS integration and the design and implementation of WEB subsystem. All WEB pages in the WEB subsystem adopt the asynchronous refresh mechanism provided by AJAX technology. Each data request only transmits the data that needs to be refreshed instead of the whole page, which greatly reduces the burden of the WEB server, reduces the network data flow, and can achieve no flicker refresh of the WEB page. This is also a characteristic point in the new system. In the course of design, ASP.NET is chosen as the development platform and language of the system, and the database of the system is SQL SERVER 2005. The power dispatching automation system designed in this paper will play a more important role in the whole county power grid in the future.




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