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发布时间:2018-01-10 12:17

  本文关键词:15-5V的DC-DC电源集成电路的设计 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: Buck开关电源 高效率 PWM调制 PFM调制 斜坡补偿

【摘要】:便携式设备的需求量随着时间的推移而变得越来越大,其能量来源于电池。电池的供电电压通常由化学性质决定的,一般为恒定值。便携式设备由许多内部电路组成,不同的内部电路需要的电压可能与电池供电电压不同,而DC-DC电源能将电池电压转换成符合内部电路要求的特定电压。尽管DC-DC能实现电压的平稳转换,但是由于功率级和控制电路存在损耗,使得DC-DC电源在宽负载范围内的效率不高。本文的主要目的是设计高效率Buck开关电源。功率级存在导通损耗,严重影响了DC-DC电源的效率。异步整流Buck开关电源由于肖特基二极管的导通压降造成较大导通损耗,所以本文采用同步整流Buck开关电源,用功率开关管代替二极管,减小了导通损耗。然而目前没有同步整流Buck开关电源的效率与导通损耗的关系式,本文提出对同步整流Buck开关电源的功率级电路进行直流建模,根据这个模型推导效率公式,分析影响开关电源损耗的因素,提出效率优化的方法。控制电路存在静态功耗,不同的调制方式对静态功耗的影响也不同。PWM模式在轻负载是效率低,而PFM在重负载时效率低。峰值电流模式在占空比大于0.5时存在亚谐波振荡问题,使得系统不稳定。所以,本文采用双模式控制电路提高Buck开关电源在宽负载范围内的效率:重负载时采用PWM模式,轻负载时采用PFM模式。本文提出一种宽摆幅、低功耗的V-I转换电路,应用于补偿斜率跟随输入电压的变化而改变的斜坡补偿电路,消除了亚谐波振荡问题,维持了系统稳定。本文所设计的高效率Buck开关电源集成电路基于0.25μm BCD工艺,仿真结果表明在负载范围10-500 mA内效率高达80%,PWM模式下纹波电压小于12 mV,线性调整率和负载调整率分别为0.147%/V和0.0133%/mA。
[Abstract]:The demand for portable devices is increasing over time, and its energy comes from batteries, the supply voltage of which is usually determined by chemical properties. Portable devices consist of many internal circuits. Different internal circuits may require different voltages than battery supply voltages. The DC-DC power supply can convert the battery voltage to a specific voltage that meets the requirements of the internal circuit. Although the DC-DC can realize the smooth conversion of the voltage, there are losses due to the power level and the control circuit. The efficiency of DC-DC power supply is not high in the wide load range. The main purpose of this paper is to design a high efficiency Buck switching power supply. The efficiency of DC-DC power supply is seriously affected. The asynchronous rectifier Buck switching power supply is used for synchronous rectifier Buck switching power supply because of the large conduction loss caused by the voltage drop of Schottky diode. The switching loss is reduced by replacing the diode with the power switch tube. However, there is no relation between the efficiency of the synchronous rectifier Buck switching power supply and the on-loss at present. In this paper, the DC model of the power level circuit of synchronous rectifier Buck switching power supply is proposed. According to this model, the efficiency formula is derived, and the factors affecting the switching power loss are analyzed. The static power consumption exists in the control circuit, and the influence of different modulation modes on the static power consumption is also different. The PWM mode is inefficient in light load. The PFM is inefficient when the load is heavy and the peak current mode has sub-harmonic oscillation problem when the duty cycle is greater than 0.5, which makes the system unstable. In this paper, dual-mode control circuit is used to improve the efficiency of Buck switching power supply in wide load range: PWM mode for heavy load and PFM mode for light load. A wide swing is proposed in this paper. The low-power V-I converter is applied to the slope compensation circuit which compensates the slope following the change of the input voltage and eliminates the subharmonic oscillation problem. The high efficiency Buck switching power supply IC designed in this paper is based on 0.25 渭 m BCD technology. The simulation results show that the ripple voltage is less than 12mV in the load range of 10-500mA, the efficiency is as high as 80m PWM mode. The linear and load adjustment rates were 0.147 / V and 0.0133 / mA, respectively.


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