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发布时间:2018-01-11 07:24

  本文关键词:基于集肤效应的氧化锌避雷器故障分析 出处:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 氧化锌避雷器及其故障 氧化锌阀片 集肤效应 冲击电压发生器 雷电流及其数学模型 边缘局部击穿

【摘要】:由于我国幅员辽阔、地形复杂,远距离输电线路的组廊必将经过复杂的地形地貌,加之气候条件存在显著的差异,输电线路的运行条件必定相当恶劣,比如冰雪、暴雨、台风等,更加严重的危害是雷击。因为远距离输电线路经过了了复杂的地形,比如山川、河流、高原、湿地等,而陡峭的山坡、河流的大跨距等恶劣地形上架设的输电线路都很容易遭受雷击,所以对输电线路的雷击保护显得日趋重要。作为当今已经公认为是最先进的防雷技术产品——氧化锌避雷器(以下简称避雷器),也必将广泛应用于远距离的输电线路系统中。 虽然避雷器是如今公认的最先进的防雷产品,但是避雷器的制造受限于科技技术水平还远未达到防雷所要求的技术水准,不少已经投入运行的避雷器都或多或少出现了一些故障问题。避雷器在电力系统中的广泛应用必将带来避雷器的众多故障问题,国内外的知名学者与高校主要集中精力研究已公认的故障原因——老化和受潮,但仍有相当一部分避雷器的故障原因并未查明。因此,本论文提出并探讨了集肤效应是避雷器故障的原因之一:无论是雷电还是操作过电压引起的电流通过避雷器向大地泄放电流时都存在比较严重的集肤效应,这必将导致避雷器在正常工作时出现边缘局部多次击穿的问题,长此以往被经常击穿的局部区域的非线性伏安特性将变得不再优良,更容易发生故障甚至爆炸;更有甚者起到相反的作用,导致安装避雷器的被保护设备更容易发生接地故障。 本论文通过理论分析、实验论证了集肤效应是避雷器故障原因之一这一观点的正确性。首先介绍氧化锌避雷器阀片的微观结构、非线性伏安特性的产生原理,避雷器的工作原理及其故障的一些原因;然后用傅立叶分解雷电流,三种数学函数模型都与频率有着密切的关系,简要介绍了集肤效应产生的机理得知集肤效应也与频率存在固定的函数关系,证明避雷器在正常工作时集肤效应的存在性,通过模拟冲击电压实验证明氧化锌非线性电阻阀片存在集肤效应,并会出现边缘局部多次击穿现象,分析实验数据、现象及击穿点的位置得出阀片会因为边缘局部击穿导致非线性伏安特性变差的结论;最后通过成品避雷器的模拟击穿实验,对击穿后的避雷器进行解体分析,发现成品避雷器同样出现了边缘局部击穿的现象,更进一步地证明避雷器在正常工作时存在集肤效应,从而更加充分地论证了集肤效应是避雷器的故障原因之一。
[Abstract]:Because of China's vast and complex terrain, long transmission line corridor group will through the complex terrain, there are significant differences in climatic conditions, operating conditions of transmission line will be quite bad, such as snow, storm, typhoon, lightning is more dangerous. Because of the long-distance transmission line through the complex terrain for example, mountains, rivers, wetlands, plateau, and steep slopes, river long span transmission lines erected on rough terrain such as are very vulnerable to lightning, so the lightning protection of transmission line becomes more and more important. As of today has been recognized as the most advanced technology products lightning arrester (hereinafter referred to as Zinc Oxide arrester), will be widely used in the power transmission system in the far distance.
Although the arrester is now recognized as the most advanced lightning protection products, but limited to the manufacture of arrester technology level is still far from the level of technology required for lightning arrester, many have been put into operation are more or less there are some problems. Wide application of lightning arrester in the power system will bring many problems of fault lightning arrester, domestic and foreign well-known scholars and universities mainly focus on the fault has been recognized causes of aging and damp, but there is still a considerable part of the fault reason of lightning arrester has not identified. Therefore, this paper presents and discusses the skin effect is one of the reasons of lightning arrester fault current: either lightning or the operation overvoltage caused by leakage is serious due to the skin effect current to the ground through the arrester, it will cause the arrester Bureau edge appears in the normal working hours Many of the breakdown problem, the nonlinear I-V characteristics of local area is often the breakdown if things go on like this will become no longer good, more prone to failure or explosion; even have the opposite effect, leading to the installation of lightning arrester protective equipment was more prone to ground fault.
This paper through the theoretical analysis and experimental demonstration of skin effect is correct this view one of the reasons of lightning arrester fault. First introduced the micro structure of Zinc Oxide MOA, the principle of nonlinear volt ampere characteristics, some of the original work principle and fault arrester; then use the Fu Liye decomposition of lightning current, three mathematical models have a close relationship with the frequency, briefly introduces the mechanism of skin effect that the skin effect has certain relationship with frequency, prove the arrester skin effect during the normal operation of the existence, through the simulation experiment proves that Zinc Oxide impulse voltage nonlinear resistor valve sheet due to the skin effect and, there will be many local edge breakdown phenomenon, analysis of the experimental data, and the location of the phenomenon of the breakdown point valve because of local edge breakdown induced by nonlinear volt ampere characteristics variation Conclusion; finally through the simulation experiment of lightning arrester breakdown products, disintegration analysis of lightning arrester breakdown, lightning arrester was also found that the finished edge localized breakdown phenomenon, further proof of the arrester due to the skin effect in normal operation, so as to fully demonstrate the skin effect is one of the reasons for failure lightning arrester.



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