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发布时间:2018-01-11 13:34

  本文关键词:永磁直线开关磁链电机的设计与特性分析 出处:《河南理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 永磁直线开关磁链电机 磁阻力 温度场 有限元

[Abstract]:Due to the development of urban rail transit system, permanent magnet linear motor has been a lot of research and application, because of the characteristics of the motor itself, there are many main problems to be overcome, such as high cost. Compared with the traditional linear motor, the permanent magnet linear switched flux motor (PMFSLM) can set the permanent magnet and armature coil on the shorter side. It greatly reduces the number of permanent magnets or coils used, reduces the cost and maintenance difficulty, and attracts more and more attention. This paper first introduces the research status and working principle of PMFSLM at home and abroad. The mathematical models in ABC and dq0 coordinate systems are derived. The primary and secondary tooth height, tooth width, permanent magnet width and winding winding mode are obtained by the primary and secondary tooth height design based on the theory of rotating permanent magnet switched flux linkage motor (PMSM). Winding turns and other main parameters; The finite element model is established to simulate, and the influence of structural parameters on the thrust performance of the motor is analyzed. After checking, the preliminary mechanical structure design of PMFSLM is obtained. The magnetic field distribution of the motor under no load and load is analyzed. The power angle curve of the motor is drawn to obtain the maximum thrust of the motor. Secondly, the method of increasing the synthetic auxiliary teeth is used to reduce the magnetic resistance, which verifies that the optimization of the end structure can improve the end effect to a certain extent. The magnitude of thrust, the fluctuation of thrust, the symmetry of reverse EMF and the change of inductance before and after the use of auxiliary teeth are compared and analyzed. The variation trend of flux, reverse EMF and thrust under different air gap is compared. Finally, the heat source of motor is determined, and the loss, thermal conductivity, heat dissipation coefficient and convection coefficient of each part of the motor are calculated. Based on the finite element analysis of the thermal field model, the temperature field distribution of the motor is studied, which provides a basis for the further design and optimization of this kind of motor.


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