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发布时间:2018-01-12 16:14

  本文关键词:基于差异化分析的配电网节能规划及辅助分析系统研究 出处:《湖南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 配电网 差异化分析 节能规划 二层规划模型 辅助分析

[Abstract]:With the power grid enterprise resource optimization configuration platform role, with the power consumption ratio in China, increasing investment in power grid construction, occupy a more important position in the national energy-saving emission reduction work in. The study shows that in all aspects of power system, distribution network as a heavy loss layer, the energy saving potential. Therefore, the use of energy-saving technology difference analysis of development of distribution network energy saving potential assessment and energy saving plan for energy conservation, is of great significance to carry out energy-saving work. According to the distribution network, energy saving technology different from the same distribution network, distribution network technology means the same in different operation conditions, the loss reduction effect. There are differences therefore. Only a careful analysis of the network equipment, the relationship between the structure and operation of the power grid, in order to grasp the relationship between energy consumption and its influencing factors of distribution network, and system A technical scheme of reducing power loss in line with energy saving goals, summed up the potential of energy saving and comprehensive analysis method to make energy-saving work more targeted. At the same time, the difference of distribution network energy saving is not only to meet the optimization problem of different energy saving technology of a single line, but also meet the distribution lines of energy economy and operation condition the multi-objective programming problem, only through the establishment of reasonable planning model, can from the perspective of the system of distribution network planning to achieve energy-saving significance. Firstly, according to the network equipment and operation of distribution of loss mechanism analysis, and summarizes the methods of energy saving technology of distribution network correspondence, on the basis of energy saving technology index the formation of technological transformation, energy-saving standards, complete the analysis to establish the system of energy distribution network. Secondly, according to the distribution network energy saving potential lack of comprehensive quantitative evaluation Study on the problem, according to the different power grid data acquisition, prediction method combined with power flow calculation and grey correlation, respectively, forming a typical circuit and the energy saving potential of distribution network based on evaluation method based on the analysis of the energy saving potential applied to the different characteristics of the distribution network. In view of the current distribution network mostly only a single line of different energy saving technology optimization, lack of system of distribution network reliability and economy of the planning problem, the index of energy saving and cost constraints to meet the requirements of Power Grid Corp under the condition that the establishment of two level programming model of distribution network partition analysis of energy saving technical differences based on the completion of the technical transformation scheme of energy saving and energy saving investment make optimal allocation. Finally according to the analysis the function demand, build distribution network energy aided analysis software platform, combined with an example, the software can realize the power distribution system The energy saving potential assessment and energy saving planning of the network have good engineering application value.



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