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发布时间:2018-01-12 23:05

  本文关键词:脉冲发电机供电的整流系统锁相技术研究 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 脉冲整流器 软件锁相环 过零比较法 坐标变换法

【摘要】:强磁场目前已成为科学研究的重要工具,按照磁场持续时间可分为稳态强磁场和脉冲强磁场两类。国家脉冲强磁场科学中心(筹)建设脉冲整流器电源系统,用以产生场强50T,脉宽为100ms的高稳定度高精度平顶脉冲强磁场。该脉冲整流电源系统采用脉冲发电机提供能量,脉冲整流器系统采用两套相互独立的12脉波整流器分别为负载磁体的内外线圈供电。 脉冲整流器的控制精度依赖于触发角的准确性,而触发基准是由同步信号的过零点决定的。为了确保实现高精度磁场,必须使用性能优良的相位同步电路,用以跟踪输入电压的相位和频率。特别的,由于脉冲发电机工作的特性使得电压频率为非线性变化的,同时输入电压谐波畸变严重,这就要求我们能够解决脉冲整流器系统中同步信号的问题,从而提升平顶磁场的精度。 随着数字技术的发展,具有兼容性好、运行方式灵活的软件锁相的应用场合越来越多,然而现有的软件锁相方法大多是应用于电网电压输入的条件下,因此如何改进软件锁相方法,从而获取准确的脉冲整流器系统的同步信号,成为本文的研究重点。 分析脉冲整流器系统中的同步信号,建立脉冲整流器的简化数学模型,对其进行谐波分析,并通过仿真验证谐波含量。根据同步信号特性,提出锁相的设计要求。详细分析了基于过零比较法的锁相方法和基于坐标变换法的锁相环这两类方式的基本原理。建立了基于坐标变换法锁相方式的数学模型,分析系统的动态性能。建立仿真模型,,通过仿真验证两类锁相方法在脉冲整流器系统中的适用性。 针对传统的基于过零比较法锁相环的缺陷,提出改进滤波方式的锁相环。确定滤波器的结构和参数。在基于坐标变换的锁相方法基础上,引入全通滤波器的算法从而减少了高次偶数倍频谐波的影响。搭建仿真模型,验证两种改进方式的可行性。将改进滤波方式的锁相环应用于实际系统中,实验结果显示实际效果与仿真相符。
[Abstract]:High magnetic field has become an important tool in scientific research. According to the duration of magnetic field, it can be divided into two categories: steady strong magnetic field and pulsed strong magnetic field. It is used to produce high stability and high precision flat-top pulse strong magnetic field with 50T field intensity and 100ms pulse width. The pulse rectifier power supply system uses pulse generator to provide energy. The pulse rectifier system uses two sets of independent 12 pulse wave rectifiers to supply power to the inner and outer coils of the loaded magnets respectively. The control accuracy of the pulse rectifier depends on the accuracy of the trigger angle, and the trigger reference is determined by the synchronization signal over 00:00. In order to ensure the realization of high precision magnetic field, the phase synchronization circuit with good performance must be used. It is used to track the phase and frequency of the input voltage. In particular, because of the characteristics of the pulse generator, the voltage frequency is nonlinear, and the harmonic distortion of the input voltage is serious. This requires us to solve the problem of synchronous signal in pulse rectifier system and improve the precision of flat-top magnetic field. With the development of digital technology, there are more and more applications of software phase-lock with good compatibility and flexible operation mode. However, most of the existing software phase-locked methods are applied in the condition of grid voltage input. Therefore, how to improve the software phase-locking method to obtain accurate pulse rectifier system synchronization signal, become the focus of this paper. The synchronous signal in the pulse rectifier system is analyzed, the simplified mathematical model of the pulse rectifier is established, the harmonic analysis is carried out, and the harmonic content is verified by simulation. The basic principles of phase-locked method based on zero-crossing comparison method and phase-locked loop method based on coordinate transformation method are analyzed in detail. The mathematical model of phase-locked mode based on coordinate transformation method is established. The dynamic performance of the system is analyzed and the simulation model is established to verify the applicability of the two kinds of phase-locked methods in the pulse rectifier system. Aiming at the defects of the traditional phase-locked loop based on zero-crossing comparison method, a phase-locked loop with improved filtering method is proposed to determine the structure and parameters of the filter. The algorithm of all-pass filter is introduced to reduce the influence of high-order even frequency harmonics. The simulation model is built to verify the feasibility of the two improved methods. The phase-locked loop with improved filtering method is applied to the actual system. The experimental results show that the actual effect is consistent with the simulation.


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