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发布时间:2018-01-14 11:11

  本文关键词:基于STM32F4的数字存储示波器的设计 出处:《东华理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 数字存储示波器 STM32F4 实时操作系统 信号采集

【摘要】:随着数字电子技术的发展,数字存储示波器变得越来越智能化,集成的功能也越来越多,如测量、分析、运算、记录、显示等等。数字存储示波器(DSO)越来越被广泛应用在工程应用和科学研究中,有全面取代模拟示波器的发展趋势[1]。传统的模拟示波器不能对波形进行存储,体积大而且功耗高,不方便携带到现场进行测试,越来越不能满足实验的需要,数字存储示波器具有传统的模拟示波器无法企及的优点,它能直接测量信号的频率、幅度等诸多的基本参数,它不仅有基本的波形实时显示功能,还有非常强的数据处理能力。鉴于国外的示波器价格非常昂贵,笔者在研究DSO产品工作原理的基础上,提出了一种新的设计思路,设计了一款低成本的便携式数字存储示波器,并详细地阐述了其设计和实现过程。本文详细介绍了一种基于STM32F4的数字存储示波器的设计方案,它由STM32F407为控制核心(基于ARM Cortex-M4构架),前级电路信号处理电路,Flash存储电路,LCD显示模块所组成。前级电路处理包括了程控放大衰减器,阻抗变换电路,电平移位电路以及触发电路,实现了波形变换,阻抗匹配,低通滤波等功能;后级电路主要实现波形的重现,它采用了FSMC接口来驱动LCD,实现了较高刷屏速率。在系统软件方面,采用了FreeRTOS实时操作系统,从而提高了系统的实时性,并且在该系统上移植了emWin图形界面,用户只要调用图形函数库就可以轻松的进行GUI编程,从而缩短了系统的开发周期。此外还设计了MicroSD卡电路,对波形文件进行存储。经论证和测试,该设计方案具的较强的实用性,并且基本达到了设计的预期目标。
[Abstract]:With the development of digital electronic technology, digital storage oscilloscope has become more and more intelligent and integrated functions, such as measurement, analysis, operation and recording. Digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) is more and more widely used in engineering applications and scientific research, and has the development trend of replacing analogue oscilloscope completely. [1. The traditional analog oscilloscope can not store the waveform, it is large in volume and high in power consumption, so it is not convenient to carry it to the field for testing, and it is more and more unable to meet the needs of the experiment. Digital storage oscilloscope has the advantages that the traditional analog oscilloscope can not reach, it can directly measure the signal frequency, amplitude and many other basic parameters, it not only has the basic waveform real-time display function. In view of the high price of overseas oscilloscopes, the author puts forward a new design idea on the basis of studying the working principle of DSO products. A low cost portable digital storage oscilloscope is designed, and its design and implementation are described in detail. This paper introduces a design scheme of digital storage oscilloscope based on STM32F4 in detail. It is composed of STM32F407 as control core (based on ARM Cortex-M4 frame), and the signal processing circuit of front stage circuit and flash memory circuit. The LCD display module consists of a program controlled amplifier and attenuator, an impedance transform circuit, a level shift circuit and a trigger circuit. The functions of waveform transformation, impedance matching and low-pass filtering are realized. The latter circuit mainly realizes the waveform reproduction, which uses FSMC interface to drive LCDs and achieves high screen brushing rate. In the system software, FreeRTOS real-time operating system is used. Thus the real-time performance of the system is improved, and the emWin graphical interface is transplanted on the system. The user can easily carry out GUI programming as long as he calls the graphics function library. In addition, the MicroSD card circuit is designed to store the waveform file. After demonstration and test, the design has strong practicability. And has basically reached the design anticipated goal.


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