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发布时间:2018-01-15 01:06

  本文关键词:开关电器电弧混沌特性判定与调控 出处:《沈阳工业大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 开关电弧 混沌 时间序列 相空间重构 复杂网络

【摘要】:电力工业的发展关乎国计民生,与之相配套的输变电设备则为现代坚强电网之骨骼。开关电器作为重要的输配电设备之一,在开断过程中不可避免地会产生电弧,其在毫秒级时间、毫米级空间内快速动态变化,从而影响开关开断性能。电弧作为物质形态的第四态,其衍生机理和发展规律是国内外研究者们普遍关注的研究热点与难点。本文通过引入混沌理论,从混沌时空域探究不同介质开关电弧之共性机理,以发现电弧之内在本质规律,,实现电弧调控。 基于黑盒电弧模型理论分析与实验的低压空气电弧混沌特性研究。自主搭建220V空气电弧发生装置,以实际负载为研究对象,采用混沌相空间重构理论、C-C方法、Wolf算法和Cao方法,对纯阻性、阻感性负载下空气电弧电流动态变化进行定量分析,找出其混沌吸引子及通往混沌的道路;引入Cassie电弧模型,采用理论分析与实测数据比照,发现并描述其混沌特征。 基于三维耦合场域分析与合成回路试验线路模拟的中压真空电弧混沌特性研究。以40.5kV/25kA真空断路器为研究对象,采用有限元法进行数值模拟,得到不同触头结构型面纵向磁场时间序列,找到变触头结构与混沌特征之间的联系;引入DL标准四参数和两参数合成回路试验线路模型,将真空断路器置于试验模拟系统中,得到元件与系统中混沌行为演变;引入真空连续过渡模型,得到真空断路器开断过程中电弧行为定量描述,发现其线路中混沌特性与真空电弧吸引子形态。 基于冷气流开断的高压SF6断路器气流参数混沌变化追踪与分析。以252kV SF6断路器为研究对象,采用有限体积法与因子分析法相结合,得到开断全程中气流参数主要影响因素,分析其主元成分,得出评估气流参数性能数学描述;以550kV SF6断路器为对象,采用有限体积法对气流湍动特性进行分析,以动静触刚分时刻为时间节点,分析湍流参数在超程前后两时间段内湍流参数混沌特性,发现湍流自身所存在的间歇性,以及湍流区与非湍流区边界时空的不确定性。 基于短路大电流开断的高压SF6断路器电弧混沌行为研究。以550kV SF6断路器为研究对象,引入等效单元动态电弧模型,采用有限体积法对短路开断情况下流场进行数值模拟。通过对不同气流参数观测点时间序列提取,与冷气流开断相对比,得出高压SF6电弧混沌行为具有时空混沌特性,且为阵发混沌态。通过追踪电弧与气流运动形态,发现开断过程中,可通过增加电弧湍流区域,扩大电弧与气流相互作用区域,实现快速熄弧。通过改变喷口结构型面,得到不同喷口结构下气流参数混沌特性,得出变喷口结构是调整混沌强弱的有效途径,优化喷口结构可降低混沌效应,提高断路器开断能力,实现混沌调控与利用。 基于不同介质开关电弧时间域、相空间域特性分析的网络空间域共性研究。通过对空气电弧、真空金属蒸气电弧和SF6气体电弧参数时间序列复杂网络重构,将时间域数据以相空间理论拓展至网络空间域中,并对其所构建网络特征进行分析,以此进行不同介质形态电弧共性问题研究,发现不同介质开关时间序列网络域结构均具有无标度特性,均具有复杂网络特征。“混沌”和“复杂网络”为不同介质开关电弧理论与实验研究在时间域、相空间域与网络域之间架起一座崭新的桥梁。
[Abstract]:The development of electric power industry is related to the livelihood of the state , and the power transmission equipment matched with it is the skeleton of the modern strong power grid . As one of the important power transmission and distribution equipment , the switch electric appliance inevitably generates an arc during the breaking process , which affects the breaking performance of the switch . The derivative mechanism and the development law of the arc as the fourth state of the material form are the research hotspot and the difficulty that the researchers at home and abroad have generally concerned . In this paper , through the introduction of the chaos theory , the common mechanism of the different medium switch arcs is explored from the space domain in chaos , so as to find out the essence rule in the arc and realize arc regulation . Based on the theory of black box arc model and the experimental investigation of the chaotic characteristics of low pressure air arc , a 220V air arc generator is built . The dynamic changes of the air arc current under the load of pure resistance and inductive load are analyzed quantitatively by using the chaos phase space reconstruction theory , the C - C method , the Wolf algorithm and the Cao method . The chaos attractor and the road to chaos are found out . Based on three - dimensional coupled field domain analysis and synthetic loop test line simulation , the chaotic characteristics of the medium - voltage vacuum arc are studied . The finite element method is used for numerical simulation to obtain the relationship between the structure of the contact structure and the chaotic feature . The vacuum circuit breaker is put into the test simulation system to obtain the evolution of the chaotic behavior in the components and the system . The vacuum continuous transition model is introduced to obtain the quantitative description of the arc behavior in the open - off process of the vacuum circuit breaker , and the chaotic characteristics and the vacuum arc attractor morphology in the circuit are found . In this paper , a 252kV SF6 circuit breaker is used as the research object , and a finite volume method and a factor analysis method are adopted to analyze the main components of the gas flow parameters . The chaotic behavior of high - voltage SF6 circuit breaker based on short - circuit large - current breaking is studied in this paper . By using the 550 kV SF6 circuit breaker as the research object , the dynamic arc model of equivalent unit is introduced . By using finite volume method , the chaotic behavior of high - voltage SF6 arc is simulated . In this paper , the time domain data is expanded into the network space domain based on the time series complex network reconfiguration of the arc time domain of the different medium switches , the time domain data is expanded into the network space domain by the phase space theory , and the network characteristics are analyzed .



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