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发布时间:2018-01-15 13:08

  本文关键词:武警南平森林支队远程抄表系统的设计与实现 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 抄表系统 集中器 .NET 嵌入式

【摘要】:近年来随着计算机、电子、通信等技术的高速发展,各种先进的远程自动化抄读系统像雨后春笋,不断的涌现并发展成熟起来,另一方面,许多经济较为落后的地区仍在使用传统的人工抄表体系,由于人工抄表系统存在抄表劳动强度大、抄读统计效率低、容易漏抄误抄等弊端,已十分不适应于现代电能管理系统的需要。为了促进节能减排,提高用电管理效率,我部便开展组织开发实施远程自动抄表系统。本文基于当前抄表系统的前沿技术,根据国家电网出台的相关技术规约,结合单位实际应用现场条件,设计完成了整个抄表系统。该系统能根据主站管理人员的要求,进行电能表数据的远程自动化抄读、统计分析,用电结算时打印输出报表,系统异常时声音显示报警提示,并对用电欠费的用户进行远程拉闸限电等功能,该系统的设计极大提高了单位的用电管理效率,克服了以往人工抄读用电的不少弊端,极大方便了单位用电管理部门的管理,具有十分重大的意义。系统开发时,主站软件采用C/S架构,基于微软的.NET平台进行开发,后台数据库采用SQL Server 2000,集中器部分则使用了嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-II,并采用了合理的存储管理技术。总体而言整个系统的实时性较高,能较好的满足用电管理需要。本文主要完成的工作:1、广泛调研了当前主流的各种抄表系统方案,分析了相关的设计技术、通信技术,并结合单位实际现场应用条件,提出了抄表系统的整体架构方案。2、对抄表系统进行了需求分析,着重对主站软件和集中器的需求进行了讨论分析。3、在需求分析的基础上,设计了集中器和电能表的硬件方案,设计了主站软件,并对集中器的嵌入式软件设计进行了较为深入的介绍。4、与其他开发者共同完成整个系统的开发,并对系统的各组成部分进行了测试及对系统整体运行进行了测试。经过实际应用测试,该系统运行稳定,功能上已基本到达要求,能够满足单位的实际用电管理需求。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of computer, electronics, communication and other technologies, a variety of advanced remote automatic reading system like bamboo shoots, and continue to emerge and develop mature, on the other hand. Many economically backward areas are still using the traditional manual meter reading system, because of the manual meter reading system has many disadvantages, such as high labor intensity, low reading statistical efficiency and easy to leak and miscopy. In order to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, improve the efficiency of electricity management. This paper based on the advanced technology of the current meter reading system, according to the relevant technical regulations issued by State Grid, combined with the actual application site conditions of the unit. The whole meter reading system is designed and completed. According to the request of the main station manager, the system can read the electric energy meter data automatically, read and analyze the data, and print out the report form when the electricity is settled. When the system is abnormal, the sound display alarm warning, and the users who have overdue electricity charges have the function of remote switching and power limit. The design of the system has greatly improved the efficiency of the unit's electricity management. It overcomes many disadvantages of manual reading electricity, greatly facilitates the management of unit power management department, and has great significance. When the system is developed, the main station software adopts C / S structure. Based on the .NET platform of Microsoft, the background database is SQL Server 2000, and the concentrator part uses the embedded real-time operating system 渭 C / OS-II. And has adopted the reasonable storage management technology. Overall the entire system real-time performance is higher, can better satisfy the electricity management need. This article mainly completes the work: 1. Extensive investigation of the current mainstream of various meter reading system schemes, analysis of the relevant design technology, communication technology, and combined with the actual site application conditions of the unit, proposed the overall architecture of meter reading system project .2. The requirements of meter reading system are analyzed, and the requirements of master station software and concentrator are discussed and analyzed. On the basis of requirement analysis, the hardware scheme of concentrator and electric meter is designed. The master station software is designed, and the embedded software design of the concentrator is introduced deeply. 4, and the whole system is developed together with other developers. The components of the system are tested and the whole operation of the system is tested. Through the practical application test, the system runs stably and the function has basically reached the requirements. Can meet the unit's actual demand for electricity management.




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