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发布时间:2018-01-15 14:25

  本文关键词:永磁同步直线电机的鲁棒迭代学习控制研究 出处:《河南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 永磁同步直线电机 迭代学习控制 非重复性干扰 非周期性烦扰

[Abstract]:PMLSM (permanent Magnet synchronous Linear Motor) has the advantages of simple structure, large thrust, small dead zone, high transmission efficiency and so on. PMSLM motion is more and more widely used to generate thrust by coupling the short actuator and the long stator. The air gap between the stator and the actuator is difficult to keep constant with the winding switching or the change of magnetic pole. Its magnetic field will produce fluctuation and different side end effect. In the operation of PMSLM, with the change of load condition and motor temperature, the system parameters change, and the parameter perturbation and uncertainty disturbance exist. In the PMSLM drive control, it is difficult to detect the running parameters, such as velocity, position and angle, which can only be measured indirectly, and often cause measurement disturbance. The input saturation will be caused when the motor windings are switched off in sections. Therefore, the drive and control of PMSLM is a nonlinear, multivariable and strongly coupled uncertain object, aiming at the repetitive work of PMSLM. The disturbance of measurement, input saturation, parameter perturbation and unmodeled dynamics are investigated. In this paper, the robust iterative learning control method is used to study the driving control strategy of PMSLM. The research work of this paper mainly includes the following three parts: 1. A ILC algorithm with filter is designed for the measurement interference in PMSLM operation, and the convergence of the improved algorithm is proved theoretically. Simulation results show that the ILC algorithm with filter is effective to suppress measurement interference. 2. In view of the control input caused by input saturation and the actual input of the controlled object is not equal and the influence caused by this inequality is suppressed, a kind of PMSLM is designed to ensure the stable operation of the system. At the same time, the convergence of the system is proved by the theory, and the simulation proves the correctness of the theoretical analysis. Thirdly, the parameter perturbation and uncertainty factors appear in the system. An adaptive iterative learning controller is designed and verified by theoretical analysis and simulation. It is proved that the control method is correct, the system performance is stable, the control accuracy is high, and the controller is robust to a certain extent.


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