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发布时间:2018-01-18 00:01

  本文关键词:智能微型电网系统孤岛模式中逆变器并联控制技术的研究 出处:《浙江大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 智能微型电网 孤岛运行模式 逆变器并联系统 下垂法控制 环流

[Abstract]:In the micro grid islanding mode, the redundancy of the parallel connection of a plurality of voltage source inverter can make the micro grid has better stability and reliability, but little difference between the output voltage of each inverter produces circulation in parallel system, causing the inverter output active power and reactive power imbalance will lead to serious inverter parallel system overload or even collapse. Therefore, according to the micro grid in each inverter unit power capacity, the realization of sharing user load power at any ratio, and effectively suppress the internal circulation, avoid any one unit because of overload or over-current damage, for the design of intelligent micro energy management system the grid is a big challenge. In view of this, this paper will focus on the micro grid islanding mode in parallel inverter Research on system control technology, through the mathematical modeling of multiple voltage source inverter parallel system analysis, design a set of effective control system to achieve the design requirements in islanding mode in smart micro grid energy management system. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the definition of smart micro grid topology, operation mode and control system, and the electric power electronic technology in the smart micro grid and the application of intelligent inverter microgrid operation mode are discussed. On this basis, the parallel inverter of the traditional control technology are analyzed and summarized, put forward the improvement direction of the combination of wired and wireless parallel parallel two advantage. Secondly, this paper the voltage source type inverter parallel system of multiple mathematical modeling analysis, put forward a voltage source inverter with arbitrary load power sharing ratio The unified mathematical model of parallel inverter system conditions. Then based on the optimal design of parallel system of line impedance, this paper presents the mathematical model of multiple voltage source inverter parallel system optimization, including the steady-state optimization model of parallel system, circulation optimization mathematical model of parallel system, circulation of small signal model of parallel system optimization. At the same time, the dynamic characteristics optimization of parallel inverter system is studied. Third, based on the mathematical model of parallel inverter system optimization, this paper from the following aspects of inverter connected line impedance is analyzed, including: (1) effect of line impedance of parallel inverter system circulation; (2) effects of inverter line impedance on the AC bus power quality; (3) effect of line impedance of inverter parallel system power loss. Then, based on the analysis based on the optimization The design principle of inverter line impedance parameters in parallel system are summarized. Fourth, based on the mathematical model of parallel inverter system optimization, proposed power circulation mathematical model of parallel inverter system, describes the voltage source inverter and parallel system in Taiwan were according to any proportion circulation power and the inverter output voltage when the load power amplitude difference and phase difference function. Based on the mathematical model of power circulation, circulation mechanism of inhibition of the traditional droop method to establish a mathematical model, and the advantages and disadvantages of traditional droop method are summarized. Then according to the shortcomings of traditional droop method, this paper presents a parallel circulation power control strategy based on (Omega -Pcir and V-Qcir control), and carries on the mathematical modeling analysis, the improved parallel control strategy advantage in theory Fifth. In this paper, the advantages of parallel cable, and the application background of smart micro grid, especially according to the design requirements of grid connected / island mode switching process, the improved parallel control strategy is modified, the paper presents a design of intelligent micro grid islanding mode including steady-state voltage controller and synchronous controller, grid connected before control strategy. Sixth, based on the theoretical research results and the design of control strategy, implementation scheme for the inverter control system of microgrid islanding mode is analyzed in detailed analysis, analysis and design parameters then discrete control system and power circuit of inverter type micro grid unit involved. In the design process, in this paper. The disadvantages of the traditional power of the algorithm is analyzed, and proposes an improved algorithm P-1 power based on instantaneous power theory. Finally, this paper The results of simulation and experiment in this paper was verified: (1) through the PLECS simulation platform of multiple voltage source inverter mathematical model of parallel system optimization, power circulation mathematical model, parallel control strategy and control system of microgrid islanding mode simulation improved; (2) built three single-phase the formation of inverter prototype, parallel inverter system for islanding operation mode of micro grid simulation and control system designed in this paper is verified by experiment. According to the simulation results of PLECS software, confirmed the optimized mathematical model and mathematical model of circulation power voltage source inverter system proposed by this paper is correct and feasible. At the same time, according to the results of simulation and experiment proved that the improved parallel circulation power mathematical model control strategy based on the proposed (i.e. Omega -Pcir and V-Qcir, can effectively control) Suppression of active parallel circulation system and reactive power circulation, compared to the traditional droop method has better control of steady-state performance and good dynamic performance, is a very suitable for the intelligent microgrid islanded multiple voltage source inverter parallel system control strategy.



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