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发布时间:2018-01-18 01:31

  本文关键词:全寿命周期理论在变电站项目成本管理中的应用研究 出处:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 变电站 全寿命周期 成本管理

【摘要】:当前,我国的变电站项目成本的管理模式普遍采用全过程成本管理,对变电站成本管理的范围只局限于建设成本,使许多变电站项目在寿命周期内就要不断的进行大修和技术改造,导致变电站项目的全寿命周期成本(LCC)过高。而全寿命周期成本管理(LCCM)能从变电站项目全寿命周期的每个环节进行管理,包括决策与设计、施工与竣工验收、使用与报废等阶段,通过深入的挖掘潜能,有效的降低项目成本,从而使变电站项目的全寿命周期成本达到最优。 本文结合国内外先进的全寿命周期成本管理经验和研究成果,用全寿命周期成本管理理论对我国的变电站项目成本进行管理,并对全寿命周期成本管理如何应用于变电站进行了比较深入的分析。 本文介绍了LCC及LCCM的基本理论、特点,引出了变电站项目全寿命周期成本管理的背景和意义,阐述了全寿命周期各个阶段成本管理的要点,通过详细的分类与具体计算的方法的引入,用LCC理论构建了变电站项目优化分析模型,并运用全寿命周期成本管理优化方法,阐述了变电站设计阶段全寿命周期成本的优化目标和内容以及具体的优化方法。最后通过110KV变电站项目设计阶段的实例分析,证明全寿命周期成本管理相对于全过程成本管理对于变电站建设项目管理的先进性和优越性。 论文在实际的变电站项目成本管理中结合了LCCM理论,并探讨了LCCM思维模式在实际中的应用,引导电网企业在变电站建设项目管理中建立全寿命周期成本管理的理念,从而在成本控制方面能更好发挥变电站项目的效益。
[Abstract]:At present, the management mode of substation project cost in our country generally adopts the whole process cost management, and the scope of the substation cost management is limited to the construction cost. So that many substation projects in the life cycle will continue to overhaul and technical transformation. The whole life cycle cost of substation project is too high, and the whole life cycle cost management can be managed from every link of the whole life cycle of substation project, including decision-making and design. In the stages of construction and completion acceptance, usage and scrapping, the project cost can be effectively reduced by tapping the potential in depth, so as to optimize the whole life cycle cost of substation project. Based on the experience and research results of domestic and foreign advanced life-cycle cost management, this paper uses the life-cycle cost management theory to manage the substation project cost in our country. And how to apply the whole life cycle cost management to substation is analyzed deeply. This paper introduces the basic theory and characteristics of LCC and LCCM, introduces the background and significance of the whole life cycle cost management of substation project, and expounds the key points of cost management in all stages of the whole life cycle. Through the introduction of detailed classification and specific calculation method, the optimization analysis model of substation project is constructed by using LCC theory, and the optimization method of life-cycle cost management is used. The optimization goal and content of the whole life cycle cost in substation design stage and the concrete optimization method are expounded. Finally, the example of 110KV substation project design stage is analyzed. It is proved that the whole life cycle cost management is superior to the whole process cost management in substation construction project management. This paper combines LCCM theory in actual substation project cost management, and discusses the application of LCCM thinking mode in practice. To guide power grid enterprises to establish the concept of life-cycle cost management in substation construction project management, so that the benefit of substation project can be better brought into play in cost control.


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