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发布时间:2018-01-20 10:14

  本文关键词: 风电机组 短期可靠性 风速预测 有功功率控制 出处:《重庆大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:风能作为一种成熟的可再生能源技术,近年来在世界范围内得到快速发展。然而,由于长期处于恶劣的自然环境中,风电机组的停运率较高,降低了风电场的运行经济性。同时,在电网的约束下,风电场也会因为风电功率预测误差和风电机组强迫停运产生一定程度的发电量损失。本文以提高风电场运行经济性为目标,对风速与风电功率预测误差分布特性、风电机组状态参数异常辨识方法、风电机组短期可靠性预测方法以及风电场有功功率控制策略进行了研究。论文主要包括以下内容: ①提出了风速与风电功率预测误差的核密度分布模型,研究了预测误差分布特性。采用多种典型方法进行风速预测,对比分析了单机风速和风电场风速的预测精度。建立了基于实测数据的功率曲线,结合风速预测方法进行了风电功率预测。研究了单机风速与风电功率预测误差分布与风速、预测时间间隔之间的关系。结果表明,在三种预测方法下,单机风速的预测误差均明显大于风电场风速的预测误差,不同风速区间内的预测误差分布差异明显,预测误差随预测时间间隔的增大而增大。 ②提出并建立了风电机组状态参数广义模糊异常辨识模型。研究了风电场SCADA系统提供的风电机组状态参数与自然环境和机组工作特征的关联关系,建立了状态参数的预测模型,分析了影响预测模型精度的主要因素。对比了本机近期数据模型、本机历史数据模型和其他机组近期数据模型这三类预测模型的预测精度,在此基础上提出了预测模型的选择方法和预测残差的异常程度量化方法,最终采用模糊综合评判进行状态参数的异常辨识。结果表明,,广义模糊异常辨识模型综合了多个预测模型的异常辨识结果,具有更高的准确度。 ③提出了风电机组短期可靠性预测模型。计及风速与风电机组停运率的相关性,建立了考虑风速的风电机组统计停运模型。对与自然环境密切相关的状态参数,提出了基于状态参数概率预测的保护动作模型;对具有保护动作整定时间的状态参数,提出了基于越限时间的保护动作模型。最后,综合考虑各状态参数的越限保护动作概率和统计停运概率,提出了计及状态参数越限的风电机组短期可靠性预测模型。结果表明,通过对状态参数越限概率的计算,风电机组短期停运模型的准确性得到大幅提高。 ④提出了考虑机组短期可靠性和功率预测误差的有功功率控制方法。分析了风电场在无电网约束和限功率运行两种情况下的发电量损失原因,在无电网约束情况下,通过对低可靠性机组进行降功率控制以减小其短期停运概率。针对风电场限功率运行情况,提出采用功率损失风险对可能损失的功率进行量化,并提出了多台机组总功率损失风险的蒙特卡洛模拟计算方法,获取了单机功率损失风险和风电场总功率损失风险的关系,提出了限功率情况下的风电场有功功率协调控制策略。结果表明,本文提出的方法有效降低了风电场的发电量损失。 上述工作是为解决目前风电场运行维护成本偏高的问题所做的积极探索,不仅丰富了相关领域的研究成果,而且为大规模风电的安全高效利用提供了解决方案。
[Abstract]:As a mature renewable energy technology , wind energy has been rapidly developed over the world in recent years . However , due to the long - term being in bad natural environment , the outage rate of wind power unit is high , and the operation economy of wind farm is reduced . At the same time , under the constraint of power grid , wind farm will generate some degree of power loss due to wind power prediction error and forced outage of wind turbine unit . The prediction error of wind speed and wind farm wind speed is predicted by a variety of typical methods . The relationship between wind speed and wind power prediction error distribution and wind speed and predicted time interval is analyzed . The results show that the prediction error of wind speed and wind power is much larger than that of wind farm wind speed . In this paper , a generalized fuzzy anomaly identification model for the state parameters of wind turbine units is proposed and established . The relationship between the state parameters of wind turbine units and the working characteristics of the unit is studied in this paper . The prediction model of state parameters is established . The short - term reliability prediction model of wind turbine unit is presented . The correlation between wind speed and outage rate of wind turbine is put forward . The model of protection action based on probability prediction of state parameter is established . Finally , the short - term reliability prediction model of wind turbine based on state parameter is put forward . An active power control method considering short - term reliability and power prediction error of a unit is proposed . The power loss reason of wind farm under the condition of no power grid restriction and limited power operation is analyzed . In the case of no power grid constraint , the power loss risk is reduced to reduce its short - term outage probability . The work is a positive exploration to solve the problem of high maintenance cost of the current wind farm , not only enriches the research results in the relevant field , but also provides a solution for the safe and efficient utilization of large - scale wind power .



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