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发布时间:2018-01-21 08:57

  本文关键词: 输变电项目 进度管理 关键链理论 综合权重 优化 出处:《北京交通大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:项目进度管理是输变电项目管理中最重要的一个环节。工程进度直接影响项目的成本和质量。同时,成本和质量两个因素对项目的进度又起到制约的作用。目前常用于输变电工程项目进度管理的方法包括关键路径法、甘特图法、挣得值法、S曲线比较法和计划评审技术法等。通过应用这些方法,尽可能减少输变电工程中的不确定性因素影响,从而达到对项目进度进行调整和管理的目的。但是,应用常用进度管理的方法时,多会遇到工程项目安全时间的丢失以及工期计划太长等问题。而这些问题的出现,大多是由于工程的不确定性、“帕金森”定律、“学生综合症”和管理团队对项目成员的压力。而且,传统的CPM/PERT技术在进行进度控制时,有其明显的不足,如控制难度大、传递信息量小、工期估计过长等等。 为了解决以上提到的问题,本文对输变电项目进度管理方法进行了深入分析,并在此基础上,引入关键链理论来对其进行优化处理。关键链技术的优势是从工程的整体出发,能够充分利用项目的人力、物力和财力资源。在考虑项目活动之间的前后约束的同时,兼顾活动间的资源约束。本文在构建关键链技术的模型时,以传统技术为基础,并在时间、安全和影响因素权重方面引入了新的方法来改进,并以500kV输变电工程项目为例进行了实证分析。本文的研究将进度管理理论的发展与输变电工程项目相结合,为同类型的项目提供借鉴和参考,具有很好的理论和现实意义。
[Abstract]:Project schedule management is the most important link in power transmission project management. Project schedule directly affects the cost and quality of the project. The two factors of cost and quality restrict the progress of the project. At present, the methods used in the project schedule management of transmission and transformation projects include critical path method, Gantu method and earned value method. S curve comparison method and plan review technology method. By applying these methods, the uncertain factors in power transmission and transformation project can be reduced as much as possible, so as to achieve the purpose of adjusting and managing the project schedule. However. When using the method of schedule management, many problems will be encountered, such as the loss of the safe time of the project and the long time plan of the project. However, most of these problems appear because of the uncertainty of the project, the Parkinson's law. "Student syndrome" and management team pressure on project members. Moreover, the traditional CPM/PERT technology has its obvious shortcomings in the progress control, such as the difficulty of control and the small amount of information. Time estimate is too long and so on. In order to solve the above mentioned problems, this paper analyzes the schedule management method of transmission and transformation projects in depth, and on this basis. The key chain theory is introduced to optimize its treatment. The advantage of the key chain technology is that it can make full use of the manpower of the project from the point of view of the whole project. Material and financial resources. In consideration of the project activities before and after constraints, while taking into account the resource constraints between activities. This paper builds the key chain technology model, based on the traditional technology, and in time. A new method is introduced to improve the safety and the weight of the influencing factors. Taking 500kV transmission and transformation project as an example, this paper combines the development of schedule management theory with transmission and transformation project to provide reference and reference for the same type of project. It has good theoretical and practical significance.


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