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发布时间:2018-01-21 09:01

  本文关键词: 多芯电连接器 接触失效 接触压力 正交试验 温度场 数值模拟 出处:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:电连接器作为一种用于实现电信号的传输和控制,实现不同设备之间的电连接的基础元件,在汽车、工业设备、航天等领域均有广泛应用,有非常重要的地位。只要任意一个电连接器中任意一个接点失效,就可能导致整个系统的瘫痪和失效。可见,电连接器可靠性的高低将直接对系统的安全造成影响。集成在电连接器绝缘体内部的接触体是信号传输的载体,它的接触失效是电连接器的主要失效模式。本文以30M型圆形多芯电连接器为研究对象,对电连接器接触失效的主要影响因素:接触体接触压力、温度,进行相关的数值模拟研究。 分析总结电连接器的结构组成、接触体的电传导特性及影响电连接器接触失效的主要因素。 确定30M型圆形多芯电连接器的最小接触压力。建立此型号电连接器四切槽式接触体的力学模型,理论推导接触压力与接触体几何参数间的关系式,并对插孔进行强度校核。 利用UG对接触体进行参数化建模,通过UG与ANSYS Workbench的协同仿真进行四切槽式接触体插拔过程的数值模拟,对电连接器的接触特性进行研究;改变接触体的几何参数,分析不同几何参数对接触特性的影响;基于正交试验法,分析各几何参数对接触压力的影响主次、各参数的优水平及优水平组合,得到优化的接触体几何参数,并将优化尺寸同初始尺寸进行对比,同时对各个几何参数进行显著性分析。 通过ANSYS Workbench对30M型圆形多芯电连接器进行热电耦合的数值模拟,对电连接器的温度场进行研究;分别研究不同芯数电连接器的温度场,不同表面接触电阻的电连接器的温度场,以及不同环境温度下电连接器的温度场。
[Abstract]:As a basic component used to transmit and control electrical signals and to realize electrical connection between different devices, electrical connectors are widely used in automobile, industrial equipment, aerospace and other fields. Has a very important position. As long as any one of the electrical connector contact failure, it may lead to paralysis and failure of the entire system. The reliability of the electrical connector will directly affect the safety of the system. The contact body integrated in the insulator of the electrical connector is the carrier of signal transmission. The contact failure is the main failure mode of the electrical connector. This paper takes 30M circular multi-core electrical connector as the research object, the main factors that affect the contact failure of the electrical connector are contact pressure and temperature. Carry on the relevant numerical simulation research. The structure of the electrical connector, the electrical conduction characteristics of the contact body and the main factors affecting the contact failure of the electrical connector are analyzed and summarized. The minimum contact pressure of 30M type circular multi-core electrical connector is determined. The mechanical model of the four-slot contact body of this type electrical connector is established, and the relationship between contact pressure and geometric parameters of contact body is deduced theoretically. The strength of the Jack is checked. The parametric modeling of the contact body is carried out by UG, and the numerical simulation of the intercalation process of the four-cut slot contact is carried out through the collaborative simulation between UG and ANSYS Workbench. The contact characteristics of electrical connectors are studied. The influence of different geometric parameters on the contact characteristics is analyzed by changing the geometric parameters of the contact body. Based on the orthogonal test method, the influence of geometric parameters on contact pressure, the optimal level of each parameter and its combination are analyzed, and the optimized geometric parameters of contact body are obtained, and the optimized size is compared with the initial size. At the same time, the significance of each geometric parameter is analyzed. The thermoelectric coupling of 30M circular multi-core electric connector is simulated by ANSYS Workbench, and the temperature field of the connector is studied. The temperature fields of electrical connectors with different core numbers, with different surface contact resistance, and with different ambient temperatures are studied respectively.


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